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So sorry for not updating. I'll try to update more often but I'm just on major writers block.
I slowly open my eyes as I awaken and remember that today I tell Harry the truth.
"Darcy! Breakfast!" Harry yells up the stairs. I tiredly climb out of bed and walk towards the door. Making my way down the stairs I carefully think over the different ways to tell Harry that I'm a spy.
I could just say it. Get it done with.
I cold drop hints and hope he catches on.
I could slowly make my way up to it.
I don't know! To many different ways.
I sit at my normal spot at the kitchen island and stare at my perfect plate of pancakes. I was scared, but then it came. I just spat it out. They shot out of my mouth like word vomit. "Harry, I'm a spy."
"Right and I'm the queen of England." He replies sarcastically.
"I'm not lying. I really am a spy."
"Prove it."
"My badge. My secret closet. My mission I went on last night. My agency. What do you want to see first?"
"Follow me." We walk up the stairs and enter my room. I grab my FBI badge off my night table and give it him.
"This says you name is Grace Baldwin. It's a fake."
"My name is Grace. I was named after my grandmother. Grace Cortez Baldwin."
"Then why did you say your name was Darcy."
"Safety reasons. Both yours and mine."
"Show me the closet. You said you have a secret closet." I grab his wrist and pull him towards my closet. We walk to the back and I put in the code. The wall opens and all my spy gear was there.
"Everything from my outfit to the best gun in the world is in here." He walks around and examines everything in the small room.
"So, it's true?"
"Then why did you need me to adopt you?"
"I'm not allowed to tell you."
"Tell me."
"I can't."
"Darcy. Please."
"Call me Grace and I honestly can't. I'll be fired. It's classified information. Harry you just have to trust me. If I tell you I'll get taken away. I'll fail the mission. I'll never be able to see you again. You have to believe me."
"It's not like they'll know."
"They have this whole house bugged. They have cameras. They even bugged me. I can't tell you."
"Dar- Grace please."
"I can't. I can't loose this job. I love it to much. Harry please you have to understand."
"I don't tho. I won't. I can't unless you tell me why."
"Harry, if there was a life threatening secret going on in One Direction and if you told someone, you'd be forced to quit, would you?"
" Grace I need to know. I can't have a spy in my house and not know why."
"Fine. It's because-"
Before I could continue there was a pound at the door as if it was broken open. Suddenly, Johnson. Simon, and three other FBI members where at my bedroom door.
"Agent Baldwin, you've been revoked from this mission. Your step in will be Agent Mack. Please return to headquarters"

Code Styles||adopted by Harry StylesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя