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Mind blown. Mason's with GLT? No.
"Mason? What's going on?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.
"I'm holding you hostage." He says like I'm a stupid 10 year old.
"Why? You're supposed o be protecting Harry, not putting him in more danger."
Instead of responding, Mason turned and pointed the gun towards me. He places his finger on the trigger and the rest all happened in to fast.
He pulls the trigger, bullet pulls towards me as I duck down and swing my foot under his causing him to trip and fall towards the ground dropping his gun. I reach towards my belt and grab my gun, load it and aim it towards him. I place my finger on the trigger and look Mason right in the eye. "Any last words?"
"Did you actually think it would be this easy to get rid of me?" He says and snaps his fingers. Everyone else around us pulls out there guns. Three out of seven pointed at Harry and the other four at me. "You see Grace, I'm not looking for trouble. I'm looking for money."
"I don't understand."
"You and Harry have quite a few things in common. One of these things just so happens to be money. A lot of money. I'm talking millions. Harrys a world famous megastar and your grandparents where rich. They gave the money to your parents once I killed them and your parents didn't use it. They think people need to work for there money so instead of using it, they gave it to you and I can get all the money from you."
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"Harry, will buy his life. He can't protect himself. The only way he can live, is if he gives me a check. A check for One Million dollars. That leaves him with about seven grand. Which is quite a bit. He will give me a new check for the same amount every year on the exact same day giving me enough money to be whatever I want."
"What about me?"
"Easy. When two people get married, all there money gets combined and you, my beautiful future wife, will give me more then what I need, but less then what I want. Harry here will help make up what you can't give me."
"I'm not going to marry you."
"You will to save Harry. Not only can he buy his life, but after he writes that check, if you don't agree to marry me and give me the money, he will die right before your eyes."
"Grace, don't do it." Harry speaks up. I turn and look into his terrified eyes and know that there's only one option.
"It's my job to keep Harry alive. I'll do it."

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