I can't take it anymore, I lean down and hug her whilst making sure I'm careful of her shoulder. She hugs back and buries her head in my neck and we don't move.

"Let's give them some alone time" Santana says whilst ushering everyone out of the room.

Rachel's PoV:
He's looking at me the exact same way that he used to. With love. "Thank you Finn, you saved me" I smiled whilst clutching onto his hand.

"I'd never let anything happen to you" he whispers whilst kissing the back of my hand he's holding.

"You saved her rach, she's been awful to you and you saved her. You're a hero" he smiled with tears falling down his face. "Come here" I say quietly and I pull him onto the bed with me and we lay there in comfortable silence until we're interrupted.

Santana's PoV:
I know I said they needed to talk. But I needs to see my girl. I walk in and see them lying on the bed together and I smile.

"Well that's a new way to get out of Spanish class" she says and I giggle whilst Finn looks at her lovingly.

"Yeah well don't do that again" I say half jokingly and she giggles.

"Is Quinn okay?" She asks seriously and I roll my eyes and smile. "You just got shot and you're worrying about the girl who you can't stand" and she shrugs.

"Have you guys spoken" I ask whilst looking at them both seriously. Rachel smiled and squeezed his hand. "We have a lot to talk about but we will eventually" and he smiles gratefully.

"Well, you may have to wait a while because that waiting room is full of worried sick people who are dying to see you" I say and she chuckled. She's already acting like the old Rachel again.

"Are my dads here?" She asks hopefully and me and Finn share a look. "Um, we couldn't get hold of them" he says quietly.

"Oh, um well that's okay" she says but we both know that she doesn't think that. "Bring them in then" she says and I open the door.

Pucks PoV:
Santana walks out and says we can go in. Me Sam, Kurt, Blaine, carol and Quinn all walk in. It's clear that none of us want Quinn here but she wants to thank rachel.

Her and Finn are still holding hands and I can't help but hope that the old Rachel is resurfacing. We stay there for half an hour just talking and laughing, Quinn stays silent the whole time.

"Guys, will you give me and Quinn a minute?" Rachel asks quietly.

"Are-are you sure?" Finn asks. "Yeah" she smiles. Finn reluctantly lets go of her hand and starts to leave.

"We're just outside okay?" Santana says whilst throwing Quinn a glare.

Quinn's PoV:
We just sit in awkward silence until i speak up.
"Are you okay?" I ask quietly and she smiles. "As okay as I can be. I'm just glad your okay" she replied.

"Why Rachel? Why after everything I've put you through. Why would you do that?" I ask my voice raised.

Santana's PoV:
We were all stood at the door with our ears against it. We could hear them but barely. Then I hear Quinn raising her voice and I loose it.

I try to open the door but Sam stops me. "Let them talk".

Rachel's PoV:
"Because, I've been a bitch these past couple of months and if any of us deserved to die it was me" I say quietly.

Santana's PoV:
When Rachel said that we all look at each other with our eyes wide. "I-I can't believe she said that" I shiver and Finn pulls me into a hug.

Quinn's PoV:
"Well if you don't like this version of yourself. Why don't you change back into that girl that everyone loved" I asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know but I need a salon because this pink hair dye makes my hair fall out. And I've had enough" she giggles and I smile.

Pucks PoV:
"YES" I shout and everyone looks at me like I'm an idiot with questioning glances. "She wants to get rid of the pink" I say and pull a face that says 'duh' and then they smile when they understand.

Rachel's PoV:
"YES" we hear from outside and our heads turn to face the door. "What the hell was that?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Well Rachel I'd better leave and let you get some rest. I'm glad your okay. And thanks again" she smiles. "I'm glad your okay too" and with that she goes to open the door.

I laugh out loud when I see them stumble because they were leaning on the door. Finn rushes to my side and holds my hand again and I squeeze it tight.

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