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How can you write so beautiful describing what never existed ?

Each word of yours is like a honey tear dangling,
The sweet scented verse and I'm lost.
Prosing my way into a land, a land far away ;
which I call the ' FOREVERLAND'.

And oh ! My feet are in this lovely land.
The land of murk and dust,
The land of sun and gem.
Where all you see is dust and mist filtering down the beams of sun.
Canopy luring the seeds hidden, droplets quenching the thirst inside.
Deepest hue of musgravite paints the sky bright in light.
Yes ! Magenta is what surrounds you at night; with a tint of tangerine.


Nonetheless I hear the roar,
the blaring roar of waves crashing onto the land.
It sounds creepy; a formidable opponent.
I follow the echo, and reach the coast; a coast so oblivious.
The waves begin to curl and crest,
And, oh how beautiful it was !
Until they came crashing on the shore.
I'm certain of the potential they have,
For they rise to ground down again.
Its harsh, the waves are harsh and storms turbulent;
Yet they calm the aqua life, yet they breed oxygen.
Is it yin or yang ? I couldn't define..

I look back and it's the serene forest
With flowers blooming tinted with pink; the exotic orchids 
The sun rises from its slumber; a dazzling white light
And the forest shimmers in blues and greens.

Thud !
Waves crashing on the shore,
still desaturated in dark blue,
Evoking the feelings of mystery and magic.

Oh, how counterintuitive this looks ?
But isn't that what life is about ?

Some mysterious lies and some lively moments.
The truth behind some we never understand or choose to ignore..


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