- xviii. advice is served best with peppermint tea

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It had been five days since Arabella had spoken to Genevieve

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It had been five days since Arabella had spoken to Genevieve.
Or anyone really.
Sure, she'd been spending time with her friends- but her mind was clouded with an abundance of thoughts.
Genevieve had only been in the dorm room when it was time to sleep- and thankfully Ophelia took Arabella's advice and still continued to talk to her so she didn't feel completely alone.

She wanted to talk to James, but after everything that had happened between them she didn't know what to say.
But she did know who to talk to.
Her father.

She'd written him a letter a couple of days ago explaining everything that had happened and was now waiting for a response.
He always knew what to say, so she was eagerly waiting.

But with it being Friday morning, it meant that she had lessons today.

Arabella had been the first to wake up out of pretty much everyone in her house.
So she was now sat at the Slytherin table in the great hall, sipping her peppermint tea.

As she did this, an owl came and sat besides her.
She immediately knew it was her owl- Owlbert.
The name she and James had come up with when they were starting first year- they laughed at it for a good hour before finally calming down.

Owlbert was a white snowy owl with a distinctive grey stripe down his back and small patches of grey across his face.

When Arabella was choosing an owl, she decided on Owlbert.
The reason for this was because he was smaller than the rest, and looked quite scared.
Mr Burrows at the owl emporium said that he was quite shy and didn't like many of the people that came into the shop.

But when Arabella walked in and looked through his cage, he shuffled towards her and tilted his head slightly.
That's when Arabella knew he was the one for her, they had a rather dramatic meeting according to her father.

But Owlbert didn't enjoy being around lots of people, so whenever he had to deliver a letter he'd just drop it and go.
But since Arabella was alone, he flew on to the table and dropped the letter.

"Hello Bertie, how are you?" Arabella cooed, stroking his cheek.

He nuzzled his face against her before she gave him a bit of toast.
He munched on it happily before flying back off.

She laughed at his antics and opened the letter, presumably from her father.
Unfolding it she realised she was right.

My darling Arabella,
Your letter came as quite a shock in all honesty. You sounded extremely distressed- just within the first line.
Reading it came as even more of a shock.
Genevieve Lockhart, the little brunette girl you've been friends with since first year? I never expected that in all honesty.
But Ara, don't forget what I've told you; always be kind.
You do have a right to be upset of course, but like you said in your letter to me, you don't want her to be down.
I think you should talk to her about this whole situation and explain to her- gently- how she's hurt you. I know she'll understand.

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