- xv. spooky season

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"Wake uppp" Viviane sang loudly as she jumped on Arabella's bed

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"Wake uppp" Viviane sang loudly as she jumped on Arabella's bed.
It was Saturday the 31st of October, Viviane's favourite day of the year.
It was also Regulus' birthday.
His least favourite day of the year.

"Get off" Arabella groaned, pulling the duvet over her head.

"Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" She screamed into her ear.

"Wake up" Arabella mocked as she finally sat up in bed.

"We need to give Reg his presents. So brush your teeth and get a move on!" Viviane exclaimed, practically dragging Arabella out of bed.

She finally complied and headed to the bathroom to get ready.
Every morning on one of the fours birthdays- they'd go and hand out presents first thing- still in their pyjamas.
If it was one of the girls birthdays the boys would go to their dorm.
And if it was one of the boys birthdays they'd both have it in Evan's dorm- Regulus barely spoke to the boys in his dormitory, so it was easier for them to all meet up in Evan's room.

Once Arabella was ready they left to go to the boys room.
Ophelia was up early as herself and Emma vanity were having a chat with professor Slughorn about who to recruit for quidditch since Regulus was still injured and they had a game soon.
Genevieve however had quite a bad headache so she was with Madam Pomfrey that morning.
So it was just the two of them.

Viviane didn't bother knocking and practically flung the door open- all of the her gifts for Regulus in hand.

"D'you not know how to bloody knock?" Cain scoffed as he stood from his bed.

"Do you not know when enough cologne is too much?" She shot back at her cousin.
He rolled his eyes and left, Alden following him.

Arabella hadn't spoken to Alden since he'd confessed about the strange behaviour the boys had.
Hell, she hadn't even told anyone or confronted Evan.
She wanted him to tell her in his own time, and hopefully that would be soon.
Snape was nowhere to be seen- which didn't shock anyone.
He barely spent time in the dorm.

But looking over at Evans bed- Regulus was sat up on it- his injured foot resting on a cushion.

"Happy birthday!" Arabella grinned as she walked over to the bed.
She and Viviane placed his gifts by the pile that had formed by the foot of the bed and then took a seat on it.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Reggie! Happy birthday to you!" Viviane sang, quite off tune at that.

"Thanks girls" he chuckled softly.

"Alright, present time! Which one do you want to open first?" Evan asked him.

Regulus thought about it for a moment before pointing to the more obvious one.

Evan handed it to him and it was exactly what everyone thought- a new broom from his parents.

His grinned as he examined it and then began to open the others.
There was a few little bits and bobs from his other friends but now was the time to open them from his best friends.

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