Day of The Stars

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"Silver," the young boy asked his great-grandfather. "Why do we go out every year on the same day with you?"

 "We're going shopping, dummy." His slightly older, 'superior' cousin told him. 

Silver looked at them affectionately, his face creased with age, but still expressive. "I'll show you what we do on this day, if you like. Do you know what day it is?"

 The kids shook their heads, wondering what it could be.

Silver smiled slightly. "For many people, this day has no meaning. But I call it the Day of The Stars. You will see why." He said as he paid for the mysterious bundles. He handed one to each child. Their clumsy fingers worked at the ties before opening the bag. 

"It's stars." The boy said.

The older girl nodded. "All kinds of stars. Like the ones we have in our bedroom that glow. And there's some Pokeballs decorated with stars, too."

Silver nodded. "That's to keep her company." He informed them.

"Keep WHO company?" The boy asked.

Silver sighed as they started walking down the streets of Violet City, Johto. "Have you met my wife, Crystal?" He asked. "She's your great-grandmother."

Both children shook their heads. "What was she like?" The girl asked. Silver smiled. "Oh, she was strong, and kind. Good, serious, responsible, and caring. She was the best Pokemon catcher to walk this earth. She kicked Pokeballs instead of throwing them. She's the one who caught your parents' first Pokemon. She had a smile that lit up the sky like those stars she loved so much, and nothing could put it out."

"You really love her." The older cousin said dreamily. The younger one giggled and didn't comment.

After a while of walking in silence, the cousins spoke up again. "So are you taking us to meet her?" 

 Silver nodded again, but said nothing. Eventually, they left town and took a beaten path through some tall grass. Silver fended off the wild Pokemon with Weavile's help, leading the kids to a grassy meadow surrounded by trees. He began taking out starlights hung on strings as his descendants watched.

 "Are we gonna meet her here?" The boy asked when Silver finished hanging the lights from the trees. The sun finally sank below the horizon, and stars sprinkled the sky. As it grew darker, the starlights began giving off a gentle glow. He didn't answer.

 "Is Crystal coming? When will she be here?" The girl demanded. Silver beckoned them closer, then showed them a particular patch of brightly colored, star shaped flowers. He spread more stars over it. The girl's eyes widened as Silver began speaking.

 "Hey, Crys... Happy birthday. I miss you everyday you've been gone, you know that?" Silver whispered, tears spilling down his face. The silver drops fell to the flower covered mound and sank into the dirt. "I've been watching Mega for you."

 "Mega is Crystal's?!" The girl exclaimed. Silver nodded before continuing. 

 "Oh, I almost forgot. The boy is Astar and the girl is Tala." Silver said. "Hey, Crys... They're our great grandchildren, can you believe that? I'm getting old!"

 The wind picked up, and Tala and Astar shivered. The wind sounded different. "Silver! Why does the wind sound funny?" Tala cried out.

Silver smiles a sad smile. "You hear it? That's what it sounded like when Crystal laughed. She's happy to see you kids."

"Hello, Crystal." Astar said uncertainly. "I'm Astar. Silver says that you're the mommy of Mommy's mommy."

The stars shone brighter as if saying yes.

Tala, emboldened by this, spoke up. "I'm Tala! I'm older than Astar. Its pretty here."

"This is her favorite place." Silver said. 

For the rest of the night, the kids roamed the meadow, talking to someone who probably wasn't there. Silver brought them home when the stars vanished.

"Silver." Tala asked. "Please will you take us with you again to celebrate the Day of The Stars?"

"Of course." Silver promised. 

When he got home, Silver sighed sadly and sat down. 

What was the point in pretending that Crystal was alive? That he could hear her laughing in the wind, see her face in the stars? He cleared off his desk, then stopped.

It was a picture from yesterday night. Tala and Astar were playing in the background, but Silver was staring at the sky. But wispy, translucent, and holding his hand, was her.


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