Chapter 10

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Hank shows up about 10 minutes later as Kelly hears a knock on the door he gets up & opens it "Kelly hey look we have who we think is doing all this stuff to you & your family we think it's Ashton but he keeps disappearing off our radar but I have boots on the ground we will find him" Kelly nods as he replies "Hank I'm telling you now you better find him because if I do there things I'd to to that man that would get me locked up for the rest of my life" Hank nods as they continue to talk what's happening Hank replies "I have a car outside your house at all times from now on" Kelly nods as Hank leaves it's late Kelly FaceTimes Stella "hey you how's the boy?" Stella smiles as she answers "he's asleep like his mom is gonna be soon I miss you already baby I can't wait to bring him home tomorrow" Kelly smiles & nods "yeah I can't wait everything is set up for him so you don't need to worry about that" she smiles & "sorry to be a bore baby but I'm so tired I could fall asleep anytime" Kelly smiles as he replies with the cutest answer "I love you beautiful I miss you and I can't wait for you & Axel to be home" as they say their goodbyes Kelly falls asleep Brooklyn & mackenzie wake up early & crawl into bed with Kelly as he wakes & grabs them "now what would my two 4 year olds be doing in the big bad wolfs bed huh?" He chuckles as they giggle & get up Brooklyn replies "daddy can we have breakfast then go get mommy" Mackenzie joins her begging "please daddy please now can we" Kelly can't say now to them he gets up makes breakfast then picks up Stella & Axel a couple of weeks pass & it's been quite about Ashton Kelly wakes early as he starts back at 51 he takes the girls to school leaving a note for Stella & Axel it reads *to my beautiful wife & amazing son words can't tell you how much I love you both but I'm gonna miss you guys today but I can't wait to see you again tomorrow morning all my love Kelly & the girls* as he leaves he wouldn't know what he was gonna find when he came back the next morning what happens next should never have happened but it did a few hours later Stella is nursing Axel before she puts him down & reads the note she smiles as she hears a knock at the door she opens it it's her brother Ashton "hello Stella your a hard girl to find" he says pushing his way inside "what you want Ashton Kelly's at work axels asleep & the twins are at school" he looks at her with a look as she try's to grab her phone he smiles evilly as he answers her "to take a mother away from her children like our father did to us" as he pulls a gun out pointing it at her "Ashton stop please listen to me dad didn't kill mom you did when you were 8 you had mental breakdown Ashton don't you remember" Ashton doesn't want to listen "no no it was dad you were to high to remember Stella I was there I saw him stab her" Stella shakes as she looks down at the gun pointing at her "no Ashton please you can't do this I have kids a husband a job that I lo-" he pulls the trigger as he shoots her in the stomach chest & ribs before fleeing the house she manages to grab her phone calling an ambulance as they arrive Foster grabs the baby as they load & go brett calls Kelly "Kelly!! It's Sylvie you need to get to med NOW!! It's Stella" be doesn't say anything as he hangs up & heads to med as he arrives foster hands him a screaming baby he rocks him as April approaches "Kelly he's got no scratches on him nothing but Stella was pretty badly injured she has gunshots to her chest stomach & ribs she's in surgery but there's no telling weather she will make it or not" Kelly nods as Axel settles then falls asleep hours & hours past as Marcel comes out with a look "Kelly I'm sorry but she lost to much blood the trauma was to much for her body to handle Kelly she never made it to the OR I'm sorry Kelly" as Dr Marcel walked away Kelly didn't react he took Axel to pick up the girls & they headed home the girls were excited to tell their mom about their day as Brooklyn says "daddy daddy I drawed a picture of the family today at school I can't wait to mommy you think she'll like daddy" Kelly just nods as he answers softly "girls daddy need to talk to you when we get home ok" Mackenzie "is mommy gonna be there" Kelly doesn't answer as they reach the house & Hank comes out "Kelly we can't clear you to go back in yet it's a crime Scene right now is there anywhere else you can stay" he nods "yeah the cabin" Hank nods as he drives off to the cabin the girls start asking questions like what's going on where's mommy daddy can we see where is she as they reach the cabin & they walk inside he pulls the girls aside & explains what happened "your mommy isn't going to be coming home anymore she was hurt pretty bad & she didn't makes it so it's just gonna be us from now on ok girls can we all help each other" the girls nods as they both say "daddy are you ok because if you not you need to tell us so we can help each other with this" Kelly smiles as he feeds Axel & gets dinner ready he feeds the kids before bathing them & getting them ready for bed the twins fall asleep on the couch watching TV as he picks them up & put them to bed before checking on Axel  who's sound asleep Kelly just lays awake all night he hasn't cried he's acting like it never happened the next day Cindy takes the kids as Kelly goes to work everyone rally's around him as Herrmann says "Kelly you sure you want to be here" Kelly looks as he answers "I'm fine Stella's just gone to her see her dad she'll be back in a couple of days" as Capp says "Severide she's dead boom bang blowen away dead never coming home" as reality hit Kelly he broke down with that he sucked it up a week later the hole of Chicago rallied together firehouse 51 squad 3 ambulance 61 & everyone from the 21st district as everyone had a their say it came down to Kelly the reading he chose for her was one she'd always he reads "words can't explain why this happened or how to move on but for your forever a part of me each of our kids has a piece of you Kenzie with your eyes Brooke with your smiles & Axel with your nose & me with your beautiful amazing heart I will love you forever my beautiful angel we miss you" as he stops they lower her coffin & he breaks down. Life for Kelly & his kids may have changed that day but her spirit lives on in her children. Two have past

Mackenzie & Brooklyn started 1st grade
Axel is now 2 years old & the girls have him wrapped around his finger
Kelly never got over Stella and never found anyone else he's happy with just his family the it is he healed in the end

as for Ashton he was
caught & charged with murder & set to spend the next 25 to 30 years locked up justice was served

Thank you all so much for you your love & support thank you for reading this story I tossed up weather to close is like this but I think it works for this story I enjoyed writing this fanfic story kind regards laniebear 🥰❤️ chapter 11 is just pictures.

Just The Two Of Us Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora