Chapter 8

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It's now 4 years later Brooklyn & Mackenzie will be 4 soon and starting kindergarten Kelly's at work & Stella too while Cindy looks after their twins Mackenzie turns to Brooklyn & takes her cookie then giggles Brooklyn screams "hey dats my cookie Kenzie" Mackenzie replies "it's my cookie" she says as she pokes her tongue out & replies you smell she giggles Mackenzie gets up & runs to Cindy "aunt Cindy brookie being mean" Cindy replies "hey Brooklyn if you don't stop being mean to Kenzie you'll be banned from the fun stuff she says handing Mackenzie another cookie" as Mackenzie smiles & replies "thank you aunt" Cindy as she runs off to play back at the fire house squad gets a call out dispatch "squad 3 ambulance 61 child trapped at the private all girls school in west Illinois address 224 habit street" they load up heading to the call they come back a couple hours later Kelly approaches Stella & says "hey baby these came" for you but they don't say who they are from" as he looks at the card he notched the hand *he knows it was Stella brother but he didn't want to argue with her* writing but doesn't say anything he hands the box if chocolate to her & walks away. She looks up at Kelly but he's already gone she turns to foster & says "all this anonymous stuff is getting to him I can see it in his face & eyes it's hurting him Emily & I don't know who it's from" Emily replies "look at the hand writing it's gotta mean something he had that look like he knew who it was you have to talk to him because he won't take things like this lightly" Stella looks at her & sighs knowing that they should talk about what's been happening with all these anonymous gifts she also dreads it tomorrow is the day they celebrate their wedding anniversary Stella was worried that what was happening was or very well is tarring Kelly a part as she gets up as the bell goes off all engines are call to a big house fire as truck squad ambulance & engine show up Herrmann turns to Kelly as he says "this is my house CINDY!! Guys" he yells frantically looking over at Kelly who's already suited up & running towards the burning building he yells "truck spot me engine GET A LINE IN HERE NOW!! Fire department call out" everyone from truck & squad spread out yelling they stop & go quiet as they hear faint yells from Mackenzie & Cindy Mackenzie yells as loud as she can as she coughs "d-daddy o-over *coughs* h-here I-I'm s-scared d-daddy hurry it's Brookie she's not talking to me anymore" she coughs as Kelly picks them both up & escorts them out of the house Herrmann finds Cindy who's inhaled a heap of smoke but is fine the paramedics take the twins & Cindy to Med as Matt finds the trigger of the fire he calls to the chief "Kelly Boden this was the trigger paint cans this wasn't an accident someone wanted Cindy & the twins dead & I'm gonna find out who" Matt says as he walks away Kelly starts packing up squad as Stella approaches shaking she says "oh my god we could of lost our babies then who would tease this one" as she realised what she had said she turns on her heels not giving Kelly time to react he stops with a big smile & yells to Stella "Hey beautiful stop did you just say we are having another baby?" With a big smile she turns & just nods "yes Kelly we are your gonna be a dad again" Kelly smiles as they leave the burnt house & head back to 51 as they arrive there's a man waiting for Stella Kelly doesn't give Stella the chance he approaches him the man looks Kelly up & down & asks "hi I'm Ashton I'm looking for Stella Kidd can you point me in her direction please" Kelly looks at him & over to Stella as he replies "what you want with my wife & unborn baby?" Ashton replies "uhm I'm her cousin I was the one sending her gifts" Kelly scopes this guy out as Stella grabs the key to the car & says "baby I'm going to Med the girls will be scared because you or me aren't there you know how they are" she looks at Ashton as he checks her out Kelly notices he's lying to him but doesn't react as he turns to her and replies "yeah 2 seconds I'll come with you they will chuck a tantrum if you just go" she nods & looks at Ashton as she puts her hand out to shake his hand "hi I'm Stella you already met my husband Kelly" as she realises that this is the crazy brother who murdered her parents she's backs off & looks at Kelly as she says "Kelly can we go now" Kelly nods leaving Ashton. They head to med when they arrive Stella is very quiet Kelly turns to her " hey beautiful what's going on in that head of yours?" She looks at him as she replies "he's not who he says he is Kelly he's a monster he killed our parents when I was 8" Kelly looks confused "but he said he was your cousin" she shakes her head "try brother he's been in and out for jail since he was a teenager & I do not want him anywhere near our kids I mean it Kelly he's dangerous he's here to finish what he started all those years ago & that is to kill me" Kelly just looks with no reaction he just gets out of the car and walk into med as the girls come out Maggie says "hey they are clear to leave but they did inhale smoke just bit not as bad as Cindy she's gonna be fine but she's staying over night" Kelly nods signing the discharge paperwork & leaving as they head back to the firehouse Stella looks at Kelly & says "Kelly are you ok you haven't said two words since I told you about Ashton" Kelly looks at the girls who are sound asleep then at Stella "what you want me to say Stella I'll call Hank & see what I can find out because from today you & the girls are not safe I'm taking the 3 if you to the cabin no arguments ok" Stella nods as they arrive at 51 Stella takes a sleeping Mackenzie to Kelly's office as Kelly follows with Brooklyn laying them down on the bed Kelly looks at Stella "look I'm not gonna judge you but I suddenly feel like you 4 are in danger & I can't handle that" Matt knocks on the office door & says "Kelly Hanks here he's talking to Ashton he's asking him what he was involved in as a teenager Ashton isn't taking it to well" Kelly nods "stay here with the girls Stella" she nods closing the door & locking it rubbing her belly Hank questions Ashton when he finished he looks over at the boys as he says "he's the one that was sending Stella the anonymous gifts don't worry we have a squad car on you 24/7 for the next 9 months if he tries anything we will be there to arrest him" Kelly nods worried he walks away Kelly Stella & the twins heads to the cabin after work as she fears for her & her kids lives she knows it's the best thing for her to be at the cabin the girls love it there & that's where they got back together 4 years ago today as he pulls up at the cabin kelly turns to Stella & pulls out a box as he hands it to her he says "my love my wife & the mother of my children words don't always explain how I feel but I can show you in this box is a necklace in it reads Stella you are my world I love you with a picture of me & our twins happy 4 year anniversary beautiful I love you so much & can't wait to our bean" she smiles & kisses Kelly as they all get out they spend the next 8 & a half months at the cabin safe where no one can get to them with Kelly going to work & the house setting up their sons room he's over the moon to have another boy in the house they sat & talked baby names Stella was exited so were the girls to be having a little brother Kelly would work & come home he'd shop for the main stuff they needed food supplies for the bathroom etc as Stella hit 9 months she turns to Kelly "hey handsome I'm due in a couple of weeks or days depending on when this little dude wants to make his debut into this world" she says smiling helping the girls with there school work she feel a wet patch & pain then looks at the girls then back at Kelly as she says "it's time handsome he's coming".

Ok so this was supposed to be the last chapter but I think I'll end it at chapter 9 the next chapter is a 9 month time skip to where the baby is born thank thank you for your support and continue reading as the next chapter of this powerful story will come to a tragic end & heartache hits everyone in ways that will change 51 lives forever love you all from the baby's name will be raveled in chapter 9 laniebear04 ❤️

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