Chapter 5

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Sella is discharged a week later & they are able to take home there twins Kelly has been amazing stayed at the hospital and took the night shifts with the girls Stella turns to Kelly "baby let me do it tonight you have work tomorrow and I need to get used to doing the night shift please" Kelly smiles as he looks at the girls in the back he replies "but I like doing it it gives you a chance to sleep I'll just catch some sleep on shift honestly it's ok I really don't mind" Stella looks at him "yeah well Matt is picking you up I'm not comfortable with you driving oh hey we all need is diapers will pick some up my gorgeous strong dad please" kelly smiles as he replies " yes baby I will get Brett to bring them over my love" Stella smiles as he kisses her and the girls and walks out the door. Matt turns to him and asks " how's dad life gong?" Kelly has a cheesy grin on his face & smiles as he replies " Matt you have no idea how good it is I look at there little 3 week old faces & realise that I don't have mine and Stella life to protect now I have them they are almost sleeping through the night to which is good because I need the damn sleep I do the night shift for Stella so she can sleep but man I feel 2 hours sleep a Night right now but I miss them already you know" Matt smiles as he replies "welcome to dad life Severide" he chuckles as they arrive at the firehouse they all cheer as Kelly sits at the squad table. Capp turns to him "got any pictures of Mackenzie & Brooklyn?"as Severide pulls his phone out of his pocket he replies " here look guys god they remind me so much of Stella it's crazy oh hey guys court houses Saturday morning we are getting married then" everyone nods & smiles as the bell rang *tuck 81 squad 3 ambulance 61 battalion 25 engine 51 warehouse for 3652 south Illinois barker avenue* they all load up kelly takes one look at his little baby girls and puts his phone in his pocket & they arrive at the scene after they get back to the house Brett heads off and takes diapers to Kelly's while he sits in is office & starts paperwork there's a knock on the door kelly turns his head and looks up "yes what I'm busy" as she walks in he's shocked to to see who it is he asks furiously. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW" as she replies "ok kelly but I need your help with a case please?" Kelly replies "NO I HAVE KIDS AND I DONT WANT YOU HERE LEAVE PLEASE RENEE AND DO NOT COME BACK" with that she left & wasn't seen again well in this chapter kelly continued to finish his paperwork when Stella FaceTimed him "hey there my beautiful lady how all my girls" replies "fine they just wanted to see there dad they are sleeping right now but I figured you were missing them" kelly smiles and replies "you be right I am missing them very much how are they not being to loud & giving mommy to much hell" Stella smiles "not at all I just fed them & they are asleep I just missed you that's all it's hard when you've been home for the past few weeks  & now that your not it makes me miss you hey I think that's Mackenzie I better go I'll see you tomorrow morning i love you baby" kelly smiles & replies "I love you too & I'll see in the morning hey kiss my baby's for me yeah & a big one for you I love you beautiful bye babe" kelly hangs up and just smiles he never thought he'd be here let alone be a dad & getting married to the one person he loves more then his car (ha ha) he lays down on his bunk & falls asleep there were no other calls he wakes up it's 6am he rolls off the bunk & grabs all his stuff to take home as Matt drops him home the turns to kelly "you coming to Molly's tonight sev" as he looks at his phone he looks at Matt "no I'm right where I need to be but have a drink for me yeah" as he gets out of the car & walks inside the house to see Stella is asleep on the floor in the nursery & both baby's snoring there heads off he gently wakes Stella. "Hey baby come on let's go to bed" Stella wakes up & yawns as she replies "yes carry me please she chuckles" kelly pick her up & they both go to bed.

Thanks for being patient but my next chapter will start closing the story so I hope you enjoy love you all my stellaride fans laniebear ❤️

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