Chapter 6

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Kelly & Stella are sleeping Mackenzie wakes & starts screaming her little lungs out Stella hits Kelly he groans dragging himself out of bed & picks her up & starts rocking she wasn't settling no matter what he did she was burning up he gives her some medicine & starts talking to her "oh Mackenzie what's all this noise for huh my baby oh yes your starting to feel better aren't you my precious little girl" before be new it she's was out like a light & her fever broke just as he went to walk out of the room Brooklyn starts fussing so he picks her up & changes her diaper gives her a bottle & sits on the floor with her rocking her to sleep before he knew it he was asleep with his baby girl in his arms & a bottle in the other hand Stella wakes up & rolls out of bed to check on her little ones when she walks into the nursery she's shocked to see kelly & Brooklyn asleep on the floor before she's decided to wake him she grabs her phone & snaps a couple of pictures & laughs quietly to herself she walks up to kelly & gently shakes him. "Hey baby come you have to put her in her crib you shouldn't fall asleep with her like that babe come on" she grabs Brooklyn who's out like a light and puts her in her crib kelly wakes up & groans "hey babe I fell asleep didn't I with Brooklyn in my arms I'm sorry I know I shouldn't but she was just to cute and I wanted to cuddle her I must of dozed off" he gets up & walks to the kitchen & starts making coffee & breakfast for both of them "I'm glad I'm not on shift you know they will be teething in Less then a month I think Mackenzie is starting" he says to Stella as she looks at him then replies " Brooklyn started the other night while you were on shift & I couldn't settle her for a good 3 hours it wasn't till I put her on my chest & layed in bed that she was sucking my finger I felt her tooth coming through then I gave her a bottle she was fine then she fell sound asleep so I put her in the crib & and decided to watch a movie in bed but I didn't even get half way through it I was asleep I'm telling you kelly I swear they love you more than me" she laughed kelly hands you a plate of food as he goes to sit down they both start screaming kelly walks in with you not far behind him you both pick up one baby each then walk out & put them in there rockers they both stop screaming & start smiling & making noises "goo goo ga ga" Brooklyn says with the cutest little smile & her big blue eyes making Both your hearts melt then Mackenzie starts "goo goo ga ga" with a big smile kelly sits on the floor in the lounge room & starts talking to them " oh is that right no you can't date that baby in your daycare you know that don't talk back to me you munchkins I'll eat you both oh really Brooklyn" he smiles as they happily make noises " da da da" Mackenzie says in between her goo's & ga's Stella comes and sits on the floor next to you as you sit there stunned "kelly baby hey did you hear that your da da" she says with a big smile on her face kelly turns to Stella as he replies still in shock with tears creeping up to his face "yes I heard that oh wow I can't believe she said da da" with a big smile on his face Brooklyn starts doing raspberry's & giggling Stella pipes up & turns to kelly "feel like taking them to the firehouse then grabbing some food maybe do some food shopping I need out of this house baby I'm so glad I'm back next shift but I'm sad we won't have them with us" kelly nods as he picks up there rockers and goes to get them ready for the day out it's now 9am he puts them in matching outfits with different color ribbons on there little heads he packs the baby bag up then bings them out & put them on the counter as Stella walks out he walks into the bedroom to get ready before they know it they have put the girls in the car & were on there to the firehouse.

Enjoying the story thank you for 631 reads I really appreciate it I love writing these stories stay tuned for this to get slightly sadder as it goes on a few more chapters to go and this story will end not sure how yet but I'm sure I'll think of it thank you again please be patient with me I will not be posting a chapter tomorrow expect it Sunday sometime love you all laniebear ❤️

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