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Izuku woke up, it was a Sunday morning and he felt unusually relaxed.

"Something's wrong" Izuku immediately thought.

Izuku continued his morning routine as he usually did, but the feeling that he was forgetting about something wouldn't leave him alone. He went to the shower, changed clothes, checked Deku's engines and then went to eat in the common area where Shota was already waiting for him along with a few other members of class 1A. As the day passed, Izuku was sure that there had to be something for him to do, or had he truly finished all of his pending work?

"No there has to be something... right?" Izuku thought.

He checked his agenda up to ten times, but no... everything was done and there was nothing more for him to do.

"Could I have forgotten to write something down? But what could it be?" Izuku thought.

Shortly after lunch, Izuku was sitting on the couch in the common area while watching T.V. Izuku couldn't really remember when was the last time he actually had a whole day off, it had been so long that he really didn't know what to do with himself at this point. Izuku closed his eyes and disconnected himself from reality for a few minutes.

He began to think, think about everything that had happened in the last year and a half. He was really surprised how much things had changed in such a short period of time. It had been one year and a half since that incident that changed his whole life. Izuku touched his metal arm, a constant reminder of the pain he suffered that day. He then remembers having woken up in the hospital and when he first saw his family, all he could feel was rage. During those few days he was in the hospital, all he could feel was emptiness, he didn't know what to do with himself he remembers. He started drafting plans for builds just to keep his mind entertained, but then is when he met Dan. Dan is like a grandfatherly figure for him, especially since he doesn't know any of his biological grandparents. Dan gave him a place, and taught him a lot of important lessons that he still practices and values to this day. He taught him how to manage his rage and direct it, not against the individuals, they were just a consequence, but against society, which was the cause, that is when his crusades truly began.

Shortly afterwards he joined UA and met with Hatsume and Shinso, those were quite the fun days he remembers, they were truly his first friends he had after so many years, and he will cherish them forever. Things changed after the USJ attack though, when Shota first showed him her repentance, despite her being the one who did well nothing. At first, he thought it was impossible for them to change, but after he herd the sincerity in her voice, he began to have his doubts in his ideology. Then came the sports festival, and that is when the ice barrier in his heart started to crack, that is when Izuku started to remember the good days from when they were kids, and also just how much he missed them, but that didn't mean he was going to open up immediately, it was a really long process and a lot of hours he spent thinking, but after having gone through so much together, they all finally reached the point where they were now.

They really went through a lot, but in the process, he made even more relationships, he met Jitsuna and Vlad, who are like brothers to Izuku even if they have quite the exotic personality, then there is also Mr. Kater, who is like a second father to him, after all the amount of times Kater has helped Izuku either to deal with his emotions or the workload is so much that  he doesn't think he count it. More recently there is also Colonel Breman, he seemed quite strict at first but he quickly opened up to Izuku and the rest, to Izuku he is like that one funny uncle; Mr. Teki is also there, they often meet each other as he usually comes to visit Kater when he has free times, he is like the best friend of your dad who is like a second uncle; lastly there is Mr. Seih, Izuku was at first weirded out by him, as he always got chills down his spine whenever they saw, but he seems friendly enough for Izuku to try and connect with Seih, and Seih has also many times helped Izuku with the management of the project and he has given him a few other management tips which is what allowed him to finish his work so early. Seih is like that estranged uncle who is nice but you only meet him like twice a year at most in the big family reunions, and it fits him considering Izuku is aware that Kater and Seih have some sort of past between them but he isn't quite sure what it is, Kater refuses to speak, but Seih has told him they used to be best friends, maybe they became rivals in the business world? Who knows?

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