Chapter 17: You can't do this to me

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Dear readers,
I apologise for this chapter.
I hope you will enjoy reading the unenjoyable chapter.


"I don't know when my husband is coming home. He's very busy. Maybe he plans to sleep in the office."

That's when the door chose to open, revealing Lewis as he entered.

"Your husband sleeps in office, Bel?!"

Oh no.

I stared at Lewis with horror, and Lewis stared at me with... no expression.

What happened, Bel?

I disconnected the call.

Stupid me! I should've disconnected it sooner!

After some soul-extracting eye contact-

-Lewis turned and went to the bathroom.


Does he not go to the bathroom whole day, that he has to go right after coming home?

I don't know if I am a little relieved by his leaving or even more anxious.

What should I do now? What is he thinking? What is he going to do to me?

Has my time of death come?

If that's the case, I better start repenting from my sins and seeking forgiveness. I don't want to go to hell.

I pondered for a little while, to remember any sin of mine that I need to ask forgiveness for. But I couldn't think of anything. Turns out I am perfect.

A proud smile came to my face, followed by slapping my forehead. This is no time for idle jokes. I seriously need to think what to do.

I started to pace in the room because of anxiety. I always knew this disguise was very risky. I shouldn't have went along with it.

The door of the bathroom opened and Lewis came out, rage filled his face, warning danger.

I froze at my place, which happened to be near the bed.

Lewis walked towards me, my soul leaving me with every step he took.

"Take off those lenses," he ordered when he reached me and stood right in front of me.

"What lenses?"

Stupid me! Couldn't I come up with something better? He had already seen!

He raised his eyebrow as if saying 'you dare to lie to me?'

The next moment, I was pushed on the bed, Lewis's forearm on my neck, and two fingers of the other hand right in front of my eyes.

"Have you already forgotten my warning?"

I shook my head, my eyes wide open in disbelief and horror.

"Take off those lenses!"

I nodded, and he finally stood up releasing me. Before removing the lenses, I glared at him.

What are you doing, Bella? Do you have a death wish?

But I just couldn't let him abuse me without any comeback. Even if it's just a glare.

After removing my lenses, I glared at him again. I didn't want to look weak and afraid, even though I was.


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