9- Its all lies

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Kaien Cross POV
I have been thinking about Bree a lot lately. The more I look at her the more I can see the kind, sweet humanity she has. I really hope she isn't from that family because killing a student would be a crime even if they are a vampire... but at the same time... I don't want it to go back to the days, when that family was still surviving. The Sabanthia family.

Apparently it was myth. A family that was higher then the Level A vampires.
They were known for as the demon that created the beast vampires.

Sabanthia blood is rare, having half vampire and the other half the devil blood. Making them the most powerful creature on this entire planet. For many years vampire hunters have never seen the Sabanthia family. So we thought it was just a myth.
In the books the Sabanthia family would go around towns and killed innocent people. If they come across a child they would ether turn it into a level-A vampire or kill them by giving their flesh to the slaves that serve the family.
They basically had the world in their hands.

They were the real monsters.
Photo of one of the family members>>£

It was on a cold winter night when a vampire hunter fallen in love with a young woman

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It was on a cold winter night when a vampire hunter fallen in love with a young woman. She was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

But what he didn't know, that she was one of the Sabanthia family. He found out when she told him the truth, hoping he would accepted her even if she was the most dangerous vampire. But instead the vampire hunter showed hatred.
He left and came back with the whole vampire hunter community.
Ready to kill her. But the vampire hunters misunderstand her power. The young beautiful girl he once's remember turned into a demon.

It was a long fight. Only a few survived but it also made history. When the whole level-A vampires came and help to kill the creator of their existence.
They finally killed her and by using her blood the vampire hunters where able to cast a spell to find the other Sabanthia family.
It was the end of their existence.

But now... a mysterious girl came out of nowhere. What is strange is that Bree has one of the power the Sabanthia inherent. Its that they can look through peoples past and sometimes the future. Bree knows everything about us but how, if she is human?
The Sabanthia family also have the power to disguise their true identity from humanity. So that's why the vampire hunters could never catch them. Is Bree really one of them?

Yuki barged in the door huffing and puffing. It looks like she just ran a marathon.
"What wrong yuki? Where's the other two?"
I said looking outside door but it was just her.

Yuki just shook her head and was ready to finally be able to say something.
"It's Zero! He went crazy and almost attack Bree!" Yuki looks like she was about to cry but could this accident happen because of Bree blood? That's when it hit me. It all makes sense!
Oh no!
"Yuki were is Bree!" I said getting impatient and worried.'
"She is in Kaname room"
Just then Kaname came in looking worried.
"Cross I need to tell you something."
This is not good I need to go before it's to late!

End of POV
Back to Bree>>>

I woke up as my headache disappeared and I was the only one in this unfamiliar room. I think this is Kaname room actually, if I'm remembering clearly. It was still dark and I guess everyone is still outside enjoying the party. I wonder where Kaname is? I looked around the room once again, but this time the room temperature drastically changed making it feel colder.
I turned to see Kaname suddenly standing behind me. He looks extremely frightening. His face showed he was mad. Upset. Annoyed and eyes filed with hatred. But why?
"Kan-" he cut me off by breaking the glass window.
Why is he so mad?

"Bree I want answers. NOW!"
He came close to me, as it was more threatening then the usually times.

He grabs my neck chocking me. I was shock from his behaviour as it was getting harder to breathe. I struggled to get out of his grip. When he finally lets me go as I was breathing heavily from not being able to breathe.
"Tell me now!"
I looked at him once again. This is not the Kaname I remembered. He is acting like a whole different person.
I stood up making it seem like I wasn't afraid of him but he just smirked as he sat down waiting for me to speak.
"T-this is up to you if you want to believe it or not but I don't belong here."

He just laughed. "I know! That's why I'm asking you."
Kaname doesn't usually act like this, he even smells different. But then he nod, signalling me to keep going.
"I came from another world, far more different then this. In my world you are just a tv show character that I loved. I know everyone secrets and plot twist. I even know yuki is your sister."
But instead of Kaname acting calm and shocked he just started laughing.

"I know!" He soon stopped laughing and
came closer to me, while looking at my belly before tapping it.
"You have something that belongs to me."
His eyes changed colour but instead of red it was purple. His nails grown longer in a matter of seconds, as he scratch me all over my body.

Blood was spilling out as I scream in pain.
This is not Kaname. Who is this person.?
I used all my strength and lift myself up even though I'm badly injured.
"Who are you?"
He smirked, he knew I figured it out that this wasn't Kaname.
He then changed transformation.
"You are going to have to do some more research honey."

He then looked at me seductive

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He then looked at me seductive. It made me feel really uncomfortable. This guy was Kaname a moment ago and then he turned into this person who I have never seen before in my whole entire life.
He whispered in my ear.
"Look after my baby. He is the only one left."
Baby! What baby!
Before I could say anything..
He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared. Leaving black feathers everywhere.
What the actual F#£+* just happened?!

As soon he left the door swing open showing Cross. He looks extremely worried.
"Bree are you okay!" He came to me as he hugged me tightly. He stared in my eyes looking like he is disappointed in himself.
"Im going to help you. I'm going to make sure that thing will not continue to grow."

The voices in my head came back and continue to speak.
"Help me.. help ME!"

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