Let the story finally begin

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"Before you go, let's play princess~"
Shizuka was tightly holding my wrists, which caused me to flinch.

The more I'm with her, the more likely the story line will changed. As my heart was rapidly beating and my mind is running all over the place. I need a plan to get out of here. But I can't think of anything!
"I'm sorry but you are hurting me can you please let me go."
Maybe acting stupid would be wise?
But instead she dugged her nails into my skin. Light blood was able to be seen.
"How interesting? Your blood is different then the dear Yuki blood... may I lick it off?"
Her faced was fascinated by the scent of my blood. At least it's desecrating her from who I'm truly am. If my blood is the only distracting point, I can use this as an advantage.
This won't work at all, instead drinking my blood will only make things worse. I got it! What is the point of knowing all these secrets and spoilers, if I'm not even going to use them for my advantage.
I stop fighting back and spoke very calmly to Shizuka.
"I don't think you should do that Shizuka."

She froze and showed me a killing glare.
She pushed me onto the ground and grabbed my throat.
"Tell me.... how do you know my true identity?"
It was getting harder to breath but I managed to get a few words out.
"L—L-Let me go f-first."
I said helplessness.
She let go harshly, as I was taking big gulps of air.
"Speak or I will kill you."
I didn't flinch or looked fazed by her comment.
I just really hope that this plan doesn't back fire.

"I know everything about you.
I know that you were the one that killed Zero family and you were the one who turned Zero into a VAMPIRE.
I even know why you did it."

Shizuka looked shocked but slightly entertained.
"How come a weaklings like you knows anything about me? I think I will kill you right now~"

I showed no fear and she could see that.
"You are truly different then the other humans I have met in my life time."

I inhaled and calmly spoke again.
"I even know why you are here and where your real body is.
The fact that I know everything about you should indicate that I'm a very dangerous person.
The most threatening part is that... You don't know anything about me."
She analyses my facial expressions and body movements.
What I'm saying isn't a lie because even myself think that this body is dangerous.
She took a deep breath and calmly looked at me.
"What do you want?"

"To leave me alone and proceeded with your plan."
She looked at me confused.
"Why? It involves your friends life?"

I nodded.
"I don't care because I have my reasons."
I need the the story line to continue like in the anime so Kaname can gain more power from drinking your blood.
She hummed in my response, then a sly smirk appeared.
"You are truly fascinating creature.. I can't tell if you are human or vampire."
I glared at her.
"Do not ask who I am, just think of me as a threat that you should ignore."
That was my last sentence to her before I walked off to my class.

***Shizuka POV***
"If you are my threat then of cause I should dispose of you before you kill me."

But what a lovely smell you have princess. Such a shame to waste it. I wonder what Kaname thinks of her? Hmmm this might get a little interesting... my dear Yuki luckily you are still my naive little girl.

***End of POV back to Bree***

Walking to class was like a mission, I was so caught up with what happen earlier that I kept going the wrong way to my classroom. I hope Shizuka listen to me about continuing her plan.. this is important for Kanama to gain more power. My heart is racing just thinking about Kanama. It's funny how I'm doing everything I can do make Kaname happy but is it making me happy?
I wonder if Kaname would protect me if I was in Yuki situation?

Wait— what am I thinking! I'm going crazy! He likes Yuki. I really need to hurry and get to class.

Few minutes later I finally made it to class. Mr. Yagari Was glaring at me, I feel like I'm getting glared a lot these days.
"Miss Bree, you are starting to get in bad habits."
I scratched my head and laughed.

"Sir out of all people you should know I was helping out with decorating for the school dance."
Shit... I don't think I'm able to trick him.
He looked at me with an smirk.
"Yes I realise that.. But! You should also know that I don't care~ stay back after class."

Aghhhhhhh!!! How annoying! Welp this morning has been crap. I head to my chair to see Yuki and Zero waving at me.
"Was I even late?" I asked them annoyed that I have to stay back after class again.
Zero patted my head and slightly chuckled.
"What is the point of you going to school if you don't even bother attending?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Zero you are meant to be on my side!"
I pulled Zero hand off my head and squeezed his hand tightly.
"Wow you guys look like a couple~!" Yuki openly shouted out. But I just laughed it off.

"Hahah Yuki you are so funny but I don't think me and Zero would be a great couple."
I turned to face Zero but he looked at me a bit disappointed.
"Really Bree? I think we would be a good couple."
He said in a complete serious voice.

Both me and Yuki looked at Zero surprised. Yuki ruffled Zero hair and started laughing really hard.
"Zero I was just joking! Don't take it to seriously."
Yuki looked somewhat annoyed but what can I do about it.
Zero is basically the second ML, so of course Yuki has some feelings for him. But my goal is that she only loves Kaname.
Wow I'm like a match maker.
But it's wired that Zero would say that... because he is not that sort of person who would get attached to someone easily. Although I gave him my blood doesn't mean we are connected.
Bzzzzz I just got chills down my spine just thinking about being connected. No way that is ever going to happen.

"Yuki I'm being serious, me and Bree are even going to the school dance together."
I looked over Yuki who was biting her lip and fiddling with her fingers.
"R-really? Z-zero you are so selfish."
She got up and ran away. Zero ran after her... what a typical movie scene.

Yuki POV>>>>>

I can't believe Bree and Zero are going to the school dance together. Bree doesn't even know Zero like I do! My eyes were wet and my hair was a complete mess from the wind.
Zero is selfish, he can't see that I'm trying to help him become human again. Shizuka offered me a deal to make a Zero human again.. but I have to kill Kaname. I'm not going to do it, so I'm just going to give her my blood instead.
Zero is selfish.

"Yuki wait!"
I turned around to see Zero running towards me.
"Z-zero? Why did you follow me?"
He looked at me with a worried expression.
"I'm sorry Yuki I was only teasing you."
I didn't care so I just ignored him.
"Yuki I need to talk to you! It's about Bree."

I stopped. It's always about her!
"Stop talking about Bree!"
But Zero just looked confused and grabbed my wrist.
"Yuki it's not about me liking Bree but instead... I don't trust her."
I looked at him confused and nodded him to continue what he had to say.
"Bree is hiding something and from drinking her blood I can tell that she is a dangerous person.
We have to be careful when we are around her."
What Zero saying isn't a lie because even I had a suspicious feeling that she was hiding something.

"That's why I'm trying to get close to her so I can Understand what she is hiding."
I hugged Zero. Thank you Zero for telling me how you truly feel about her. Maybe now we can try and  I get rid of her.

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