After lunch, I say goodbye to my dad and Ronaldo and got in the car and drive to Finn's. I get there and called him. "Hey baby." Finn said answering his phone, can't wait to tell him about my lunch date.

"Oh hey babe, I'm outside. You're ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec." He said and I chuckled and we hang up and a couple of seconds later he comes outside with his half smile.

"Hey babe." He said and pecked my lips and I smiled and get off the car.

"Hey...You're driving." I said as I go to the passenger seat and he laughed and he got in the car.

"How do I always end up driving even if it's your car?" He asked and I laughed.

"Oh please it's not like you don't love driving and I have lots of stuff to tell you and you know that I'm easily distracted so or I pay attention on the gossip or on the road." I said and Finn laughed.

"Yeah, we're still too young to die." He said and I laughed and he drives away. "You look beautiful today by the way." He said and I smiled.

"Aww, thanks babe." I said with a smile.

"Anyway, tell me the gossip, girlfriend." He said interested and I laughed.

"I have kind of three fathers now." I said and he looked at me with his widened eyes.

"It's happening, this is every guy's worst nightmare." Finn said and I laughed. "Wait, isn't like this like that movie that you made me watc? Mamma Mia?" He asked and I laughed.

"I have Hiram, that you already know. I have my other dad, that you didn't meet, and he just introduced a boyfriend." I said. "So it's a father, another father and now a step father. And I think when daddy hear that dad has a boyfriend, he'll freak out. So I don't know what to expect. Because like, it's been years since my dads divorced but they clearly still loved one another even tho they fought all the time. But now that my dad has moved on, my other dad will kill someone." I said and Finn laughed.

"I don't think I've ever heard the word dad so many times in a conversation." He said and I laughed while running my fingers through his hair while he drives. "But I understood the story, damn it's a lot. Am I ever going to meet your other father and step father?" Finn asked curiously. I know that even tho he fears the fact of me having two dads, he would like to meet both. He met Hiram already, but I told daddy to never mention the name Noah.

"Well...It's complicated." I tell him.

"You don't want me to meet your other dad?" Finn asked confused.

"No! No! It's not you, I swear. You're literally a perfect guy, you wouldn't be the problem. It's just that with my other dad there's the brother that I told you about, the one that I despise. So it would be just like...A nightmare." I explained. That's not a lie, it's just that if he saw that my other dad is Leroy, he would definitely get it that my brother is Puck. And then he would know that I'm Puck's weird sister and a lot of doors from the past would open and those are doors that I don't wanna open.

"Sorry for your family but thanks for calling me perfect." He said with a smug smile and I laughed.

"Oh shut up." I said laughing. "And I haven't met anyone but your mom either so we're even."

"Well we can go to dinner, you, me and my family. I'll talk to my mom." He said.

"That sounds great. But I'm scared of meeting them, I mean, your mom was always sweet to me in the few times I met her. But I'm scared your dad and your sister won't like me." I said and Finn laughed and he just grabbed my hand and place a kiss on it.

"They'll love you." Finn said as he grabs the Starbucks we just bought in the drive thru and hand me mines.

"Cheers." I tell him and he laughed and I take the first sip of my caramel frappuccino and his is a mocha frappuccino, which I like, but I like mines better. "And how can you be sure that they'll love me? You can't be sure."

"Hey, I live with them. I know what they like or what they don't like. They hated Quinn and you are literally the OPPOSITE of Quinn." Finn said and I laughed.

"I don't think you ever gave me such a meaningful compliment." I said and he laughed and leaned in and kissed my lips softly. "Kisses are good but know what's better? Eyes on the road." I said turning his face to the road and he laughed. "Where are we going by the way? We're just driving around with no exact destiny." I said confused.

"Where you wanna go?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I like being in the car just driving around and listening to some music." I said.

"You mean me driving and you listening to music?" He joked and I laughed and place my hand on his thigh and rub it softly with my thumb.

"Yeah, kind of. I enjoy the company." I said and he laughed. "And I pay the gas so you just need to drive, and you love to drive!"

"True that, B. I do love to drive and I'm more than happy to drive you around, girlfriend." He said and since the traffic light was red he just leaned in and kissed me and I couldn't help but smile while kissing him. "And your car is awesome, I wanna drive it even when you're not around." He said and I laughed loud.

"I really love moments like this, ya know? You and I in a car just singing with the radio, with you driving us around and the sun and the wind, even tho my hair gets messy, I really like it. But I like doing it because it's with you, it's fun." I said looking to him with a smile and he grinned to me.

"What on Earth have I ever done to deserve you?" He said with a smile and I laughed.

He's amazing.

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