Braixen: why are there ten sacks?

Pichu: maybe Santa came by.

Greninja: Pichu it's September, why would Santa be delivering presents this early?

Pichu: maybe to get a head start.

While these two we're talking I walked twords the sacks and opened it up and I couldn't believe my three eyes.

ChamAlien: guys you wouldn't believe what's in it!

Pichu: is it presents from Santa?

Braixen: if it is then I know what Eevee is going to get.

Eevee: and what is it?

Braixen: coals. Lots and lots of coal.

Eevee: oh hardy, har har.

ChamAlien: no guys it's not presents or coals.

Pop: then what is it?

ChamAlien: money.

Tom: did you say money?

ChamAlien: yes I did look.

I showed them what's inside the sack and they we're all shock. I looked inside the other nine sacks and they we're all full of money we started talking about where did it come from till eventually we don't know.

Pop: so... what are we going to do with all those money?

ChamAlien: we'll we don't know where it came from and don't know the owner so... I guess it's our's now.

Tom: where are we going to put all the money?

ChamAlien: I'll just put them in the basement.

Greninja: since when do we have a basement?

ChamAlien: since I decided to build one thanks to Armodrillo and Jury Rigg.

Braixen: when did you build it?

ChamAlien: uhh, yesterday. Didn't you guys here the loud noises? What we're you two doing?

When I said that question Braxian and Greninja started blushing.

Braixen: *blushing* nothing.

Eevee: they we're having sex in there room.

Braxian/Greninja: NO WE DIDN'T!!

Eevee: then what we're you two doing?

Greninja: *blushing* we weren't doing anything and even if we did-

Braixen then punch his arm.

Greninja: which we didn't! We got rid of the small door where we use to go in and out before we evolved, how can you hear us?

Eevee: I could here everything and Braixen you got one of the most weakest moan.

Braixen: Eevee!

Eevee: sorry not sorry b*tch!

Braixen: why you little-

She grabbed Eevees neck and started strangling her but Eevee use her sharp claws and scratch Braxiens arm letting her go and with that they started fighting. Everyone but me ran inside the house while I turn into Ditto.

 Everyone but me ran inside the house while I turn into Ditto

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