Chapter 14

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Jace's P.O.V

Its been two weeks. Two fucking weeks and my princess still hasn't woke up. It's 1 in the afternoon and I'm sitting here holding her hand. They gang said they will be here at 6pm.

"You know before I met you I was heartless. I used to go with different girls to help my needs but never the same girl twice. But as soon as I saw you and your gangs cars pull up in Shockley I thought great more wanna be gang boys. But when I saw you come out it was like the world stopped and it was just me and you. I claimed you right there and then but when Jason put his arm around you I felt jealous and I never used to feel that. And yeah it scared me at first but when we kissed I felt sparks. It was like my body was on fire and in a good way. And your different to other girls you don't throw yourself at me and that's what I love about you but it's not the only thing I love about you. I love when you bite your lip when your nervous, I love it when you scrunch you eyebrows when you are deep in thought, I love it when you pout if you don't get your way, I love it when you stand up for yourself. Heck I just love you" I said and with one last kiss I put my head on the bed and fell asleep.

Isa's P.O.V

It's black. All I can see is black my eyes are heavy and I feel as if I am floating. I can feel someone holding my hand then I heard a voice that I have missed so much.

"You know before I met you I was heartless. I used to go with different girls to help my needs but never the same girl twice. But as soon as I saw you and your gangs cars pull up in Shockley I thought great more wanna be gang boys. But when I saw you come out it was like the world stopped and it was just me and you. I claimed you right there and then but when Jason put his arm around you I felt jealous and I never used to feel that. And yeah it scared me at first but when we kissed I felt sparks. It was like my body was on fire and in a good way. And your different to other girls you don't throw yourself at me and that's what I love about you but it's not the only thing I love about you. I love when you bite your lip when your nervous, I love it when you scrunch you eyebrows when you are deep in thought, I love it when you pout if you don't get your way, I love it when you stand up for yourself. Heck I just love you" Jace said and kissed my forehead.

Wait he loves me. Do I love him?

Well I love his dimples when he smiles, and I love the sparks I feel when he touches me and.... OMG I DO LOVE HIM.

I tried opening my eyes. Nothing. I tried again. Still nothing. I tried to gather up all the strength I have in me and I tried opening my eyes but this time they opened. I was attacked by a bright light that made me close my eyes again.

I opened them again but this time I could keep them open. And I noticed I was in a hospital bed, I turned to the right and saw Jace fast asleep I didn't wake him because he looked like he hadn't slept in years. I looked to the left and saw a jug of water on the table so I picked it up and necked it.

The I noticed my phone on the table so I picked it up to ring McKenzie.

Ring ring rin-

"Hey Jace I thought you had your phone so why are you using isa's" McKenzie said

"Well hello to you to kenzie" I said with a chuckle.

"Wait. ISA OMG" she yelled down the phone and I moved it from my ear.

"Shush will you Jace is asleep and he doesn't know that I'm awake" I said.

"Okay sorry it's just I haven't heard your voice in two weeks" she replied.

"I was out for two weeks" I said shocked

She chuckled "yes you was you scared us well Jace the most" I could see her smirking.

"Get that's smirk of your face and go get me Starbucks I'm starving" I said

"Okay okay don't get yah panties in a twist. I'll be there in 10 mins tops" she said

"Okay but be quiet when you come in and love you" I said

"Okay I love you to" she said and then I put the phone down.

I looked over to Jace to see him still sleeping letting out soft snores. I looked at the tv to see it on so I flicked through the channels and stoped when I saw Charlie St. Cloud on.
10 minutes past and kenzie came in with food and my mouth watered at the sight.

She passed me my food but gave me a hug first and I hugged back. She sat on the other side of me and we started eating while watching the film. "Omg this is so good" I moaned at the taste of the food and kenzie just chuckled.

Kenzie phone went off which made Jace stir in his sleep. "Sorry" she said and I just nodded.

"Hello" she said answering her phone.

"I'm at the hospital"

"Yup oh and can you bring everyone down I want to tell you all something"

"Okay see you soon" she said and put the phone down. "That was Charlie she's bringing everyone down in 20 minutes" she said "do they know I'm awake" I asked and she shook her head.

We carried on eating and watching the movie. Then I felt something move off the bed, I looked to the right and saw Jace looking at me then McKenzie then he whipped his head back to look at me. "Watch you don't get whiplash" I scolded him. His eyes went wide then I was pulled into a bear hug.

"Omg Isa your awake" Jace said with tears in his eyes. "Those better be happy tears mister" I said to him. He nodded and I chuckled. "I missed you so much" he said while his head was in my neck. "I missed you to" I said truthfully to him. "Oh and Jace" I said and he pulled away and looked at me "I love you to" I said and his eyes went wide.

"Oh um you um heard that" he said while rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded "yup all of it" and he blushed. "Wait what am I missing" kenzie said looking confused. "Jace confesses his feeling for me and I was thinking about it when I was in my coma" I said. "Oh my baby is all grown up now" kenzie said while fake sobbing. I just laughed.

Then I heard gasps I turned to look at the door to see everyone with their hands over their mouths. "Tell me I am dreaming" Charlie said. "Well why are you dreaming about me in a hospital bed I thought your dreams are when we are fighting" I said chuckling.

She ran at me and gave me a hug and soon enough everyone else joined.

Leo went out the room to see when I could get discharged.

We was all watching a movie when Leo came back in "you can leave when your ready" he said. "Finally let's go home" I said. And they nodded.

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