Wait... the book mentioned that the hidden villages had never been found except for a couple so that must mean that they were still there! Konoha was definitely still there since Minato had put preservation seals on all the buildings and the Hokage monument. The seal would expand to fit all the new things that were built as long as they were not living. That meant that even if the people had died out, their village would still be there, but it might have overgrown plant life. Oh well. Kakashi couldn't expect everything to be perfect, especially since his people were dead. He had been Hokage before he had died. It was his duty to protect his people but he had failed. He died and left them without another successor. He had made it clear that Naruto would be the Hokage, but had he been ready? He had seen the start of the war but had not seen the end. He could only get his answers if he went back to the village. The problem was, he had no idea where he was. He would have to find a place to sleep and find some way to get food. He was lucky he still had his scrolls. He didn't know why he had them but they would sustain him for the time being. He left the library after thanking the librarian who had looked at him in confusion. He had taken a couple of books that were sealed in scrolls to see if he could find any information on how this new world worked. Ehh, nobody would notice. He glanced around and sniffed the air. Smoke, animals, dirty clothes, rubber, and the salty scent of the sea. He pondered for a minute. He hadn't seen the sea for a long time. He wished to go there again so he walked in the direction of the setting sun and the salty sea.......................................................................................................

......... He deadpanned. He knew that the sea was in front of him but there was a huge pile of trash and other objects in front of him. Really? This generation was worse than he thought. It was already bad judging by the smoke in the city. He had to put a little cleansing seal on his mask. The seal sort of worked as a gas mask, filtering out all the stuff floating around in the air including any bacteria that might get him sick. He looked up. That pile of trash was huge and the only way to see the ocean would be climbing it. He scoffed. He was a ninja, it should be easy ...... that still didn't look safe. He groaned and decided to use sunshine. He flickered to the top of the pile and was glad he did so because a pile of trash fell where he had been standing a minute earlier. After the close call he looked around. There were huge piles of trash covering the entire beach. Ugh. His eyes narrowed. There was a small clearing in the middle of the gigantic piles. He could train there. He doubted anyone would bother him there. If they did... well they were probably crazy. He sunshined again into the small clearing. The trash around him looked stable enough as to not fall on him. This place was perfect. He could train without being bothered and he could probably make weapons with the surrounding metal. He circled the clearing before something caught his eye. It was one of those things that he had seen on the black road when passing except the back was open. He cautiously padded over to it. He didn't know what it could do. He took the books that he had sealed in the scrolls out. He grabbed the one that said 'Modern Technology' and started flipping through it. He shook his head a little. He was fine so far. Cars... they were weird things. They weren't alive but if he was hit by one, he could probably die. Getting hit by a giant lump of metal didn't seem too appealing. He didn't want anything to do with the airplanes either. The only thing he would be fine with would be the boats even if they were different from what he was used to. He looked back into the interior of the van. It would be a good shelter to hide stuff like his scrolls. He hopped in and grabbed one of the many seats. He wiggled it around, trying to get it off. *POP* He groaned and rubbed his head. He was sitting on his ass in the sand with the chair a couple of feet away from him. He glared at it and moved to work on the other ones. Flipping so he didn't fall, the seats were in the trash pile after he finished. The seats in the front had not come off so he left them. He had contemplated burning them but that would probably end up with them exploding. He did not want a fire. He looked at the cleared interior. The bottom was covered in carpet. He could work with that. The sun had set already but he could see fairly well in the dark so he hadn't noticed. He missed his pack.

          Could he still summon them? He had died but it was at least worth a try. He did the proper hand signs, bit his thumb, and slammed his hand into the ground. "Summoning Jutsu" With a bought of smoke, his entire pack appeared looking at him in astonishment. Pakkun sniffed the air deeply. "Kakahi!?" He gave them a watery smile. "Hey, guys." With a howl of happiness, his pack lept on him, giving him wet kisses. He laughed and hugged them the best he could while being sat on. "We thought you died! Your name on the contract blotted out" Ah... he grew quiet at the statement. "I did" Pakkun looked at him. "I died and came back. I don't know why or how, I only know that we are in the future." Pakkun grumbled. "I thought you looked younger." Kakashi looked at him with a deadpan. "Really, that's all you can say?"

          Pakkun looked apologetic. "Sorry pup. At least you have us. We will help you. We are your pack. We will always be by your side. You will never be alone as long as you have us." Kakashi looked at him shocked before tearing up. He was supposed to be a deadly killer. Don't show emotions. Don't show emotions. No emotions! God Damnit. Kakashi let out a small whimper before crying. His pack was the only thing he had left. He was stranded in the future, his family and friends were dead and everything was weird now. People had beehives for hair! The dogs licked him and comforted him before he was lulled into sleep, exhausted. He slept on the sand that night, surrounded by his family.

~~~~ Pakkun was sitting on top of Kakashi's chest while the boy slept. "I forgot what he looked like when he was younger. No wonder he wore a mask. All the girls were after him." "Pakkun... Shut up!"

"Sorry." At least he didn't wake the boy. ~~~~

Just some minor changes for this chapter


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