Chapter 38: Untold Stories

Start from the beginning

  "They may do, but Keane is with you and I don't think he's going anywhere," he winked, "I'll be over in a minute," I rolled my eyes and looked at what was in the cabinet. When I came back to the table, Mum was on the phone, talking to Forrest no doubt,

"I saw you talking to M, all okay?" Keane asked,

  "Yes, we just cleared some things up and he told me that he was straight and was in no way making advancements towards you," Keane smiled and his eyes sparkled.

"I have eyes for you only," he told me, I laughed, "What! It's not my fault that I catch others eyes and look at them, they started it, but they don't know that I am with your sexy self."

  "Sorry, that was Forrest, worrying as I'm sure you knew. Anything nice in the cabinet?" Mum said,

  "Depends what you fancy, there are some sandwiches, pies, quiches and salads in there for savoury and some sweet treats like muffins, various tray bakes," I replied as Marshall came over,

  "So, how about I take some drinks and then I will choose a few of the best sellers for you to all share and try, sweet and savoury. Sound okay?" he relayed,

"Sounds like a good plan," Keane smiled.

We were there for 2 hours and had the best time. Torah was an angel and slept peacefully the whole time. We left and hugged Marshall goodbye and Keane said he'd text him and we'd catch up and do something on a day off of his before we went back to America. I looked at Keane as he got in the car, even though he seemed totally fine, there was something off about him, it had me worried.

We pulled up in the drive at 1.45pm and Forrest was waiting in the doorway,

  "Can we use the car Rhina?" Keane said,

"Of course you can,"

  "We're going to go for a drive,"

"You aren't worried about Forrest are you?"

  "Just want you to spend some time with him right now," Keane answered,

"Keane..." Mum began,

  "We won't be long, can we pick anything up for you?" I butted in,

"No, I don't think so but I'll text you if that changes," we helped get Torah out and walked to the door.

  "You two heading straight back off?" Eliah asked,

"Yes," Keane answered looking at Forrest,

   "Can I come with you?" Keane's eyes softened and he found her face,

"Of course,"

  "Give me 2 minutes,"

"We'll be in the car," and Keane walked off.

  "Um...has Forrest said something to you that I don't know about,"

"No. I just don't like his vibe,"

   "You know he's just uptight because it's his first child right,"

"Maybe," the door opened and Eliah climbed in the back,

   "How did Forrest take us stopping for a drink and food?" I asked and Keane gave me a look,

"He freaked out. I had to calm him down. He's just really stressed, excited and all over the place. It's his first child and he's being a typical first Dad. I wouldn't worry,"

"Who said I was worried?"

"It's written all over Keane's face," She said. He didn't bite and we pulled off,

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