Chapter 23

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I turn around, looking in every direction, still not spotting Ian.

I look back down at the lake, now knowing that I might end this once and for all.

The bridge. It was always me. It was always pointing out to me. The lake was just for me to look at myself. To recognise what had always been within when I was searching every nook and corner.

I close my eyes, not over thinking it just like Ian said.

Releasing a deep sigh, I concentrated on my surroundings; the chirping of the birds, the calming water, the rustling of the leaves. It was all so calming.

As I went on concentrating, I could feel a surge of power through my body, a rush of what felt like light, bright and glowing. I felt like I could do anything. It's all under my control.

I opened my eyes to see Ian standing there, a serene expression on his face.

With a hint of smile, he said,

"You finally get it, don't you"

Confusion was all I felt, what is he talking about? And how does he even know?

"I'll make it easier for you. You're not the only one"

"What do you mean?"

" You know now that you're the bridge, but I'm the vessel. You're what connects the dream world to reality, I'm what connects the dream dimension to you"

It was like a light bulb switched on in my brain. It was always him! How did I not notice. Whenever the light talked to me, he wasn't there, but as soon as it went away, he arrived out of nowhere. Even when I last saw uncle Steph, he looked towards the light and siad 'son'. It was all there all this time!

I look back towards him to see him smiling, looking content and amused.

"So you're the dream dimension? As in the light?", I asked, kind of overwhelmed by the fact.

He let out a boisterous laugh, shaking his head lightly.

"Don't give me too much credit now. I'm just the vessel, as in the body through which the universe contacts whenever necessary"

"Holy shit. That's so cool! What does it feel like? You know, to have someone else in your body. Oh, that came out wrong, but you know what I mean", I rambled.

"First things first, what'd you say? Let's focus on closing the bridge for now, shall we"

I nodded my head vigorously. We don't want people to know all about their dreams and deepest desires now do we.

"I'll guide you through it. Close your eyes and concentrate on the centre of your forehead, right here"

He came forward and gently touched my forehead. My breathing hitched for a second, his body way too close to mine, not that I'm complaining.

I closed my eyes and did as he said, all things now forgotten.

"Calmly concentrate on that, you'll feel a thred like thing connecting you to something"

I focused and just as I was beginning to lose hope, felt a small connection, barely there. A thin thread like connection. I nodded, indicating I found it.

"Good, now try to think as if you're making a knot with that thread. A knot in the middle of it"

I imagined the thread to be in dark black nothingness, the ends floating in the air. With all the energy I could muster, I tried to create a knot. The ends soon came closer and one went below the other. With a final tug, it was now a tight knot. Everything started fading away, the only sound I could hear now was my own breathing. I felt the most calm that I have in a few months now, the entire experience draining the experience out of me. Before I knew it, I gave in to the deep slumber trying to claim me.

EchoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon