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        It's all so calm. I can hear them; the birds chirping, the wind rustling. It feels like summer. Wait.... That's new.
        I look around and it seems like someone's put the entire scenery on a filter; it's all so WARM.
        This time around, it's a Victorian environment, very spacious. I'm standing in the middle of a broad road and squinting my eyes I can see a huge cathedral in the distance, I can't exactly figure it out though. It's always like this, this hazy and blurry, like I somehow forgot to wear my glasses. I snorted at that idea.
         I begin walking forward. On my way, I look around. There are a few people, though they don't even spare me a glance, like I'm not a stranger, like I belong here. I observe their attire, I feel it's something made of jute or rag? I don't exactly see what they wear, I can't seem to do that, like always. But I'm pretty sure their clothing is very rough, something people from the lower classes would wear.
          I look down and spare myself a glance. I'm wearing the same rough attire, probably in the shades of brown? I can't see it clearly, I just know it somehow.
          I continue walking ahead, trying to figure what exactly it is, that I'm doing here. As I walk I squint and recognise someone walking towards me. As soon as I'm a few feet away, I realise its uncle Steph. I jog towards him and come to a halt directly in front of him.
        Gasping for air, with my hands on my knees, I ask,
"Where are we today, uncle Steph?"
            With a tilted smile on his fair, middle aged face, he said,
"Good day to you too, Aaina"
             With a look that said 'really', I looked into his deep hazel, almost brown, experienced eyes, that have seen this world a lot more than I have.
           He chuckled and continued, "Oh come on Aaina, have some fun, this is the first time it feels like summer"
Nodding my head while looking around, I continued,
"Yes. It does seem weird though, something like this has never happened. We never were able to feel nor experience any season before, so why now?"
           I was still pretty suspicious about this. My inquisitiveness wouldn't let me let this go. There has to be some explanation.
           I turned back to uncle Steph only to meet thin air where he was just seconds ago.
           Uncle Steph is my dad's best friend, atleast in this 'world'. I like to call this my D.D aka my dream dimension. I've been having these dreams or whatever these are since I was 12 years old. It all started with normal dreams so I didn't think any better of it. I thought it was normal and it was, then, except I always remember what happens in D.D. In later years, I realised that it's a bit unusual to remember these dreams, ALL of them. In the coming years, as I grew up, they became more clear, I began to see my surroundings which were always different, sometimes repeating. Later, I began seeing people, going about with their lives like it's a normal world and not a dream. But today was the first time I felt something, I felt the season, I felt the warmth, the wind.
              Shaking my head of all these thoughts, I focused once again on where I am only to see it slowly fading. Like dew drops slowly moving and taking what's in front of me with it. It looked beautiful in a way. So... Waking up it is then!!

Hello people!!!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to check out my story. Please do share and comment ( hopefully positive😜) I will be updating every alternate day from now on so hopefully I won't be making you wait for long!!


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