Chapter 1

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I wake up with a jolt, drowning in freezing cold water,

"Holy mother of a pregnant cow!! What the hell!?!"

I look up to the smirking face of my mother who keeps the now empty bucket aside and makes her way out of my room.

"You don't seem to wake up to your alarm so I thought I'd do you a favour of waking you up", she yelled on her way out.

I rolled my eyes to the antics of my mother. She is this fun, bubbly person, just as her name suggests. Polly Stephens can either smile her way to heaven or prank her way to hell.

Shivering, I took a look at my alarm clock to see it's already 7:40am. I ran out of my bed and into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as fast as I could. After washing my face, I stormed back to my room and land face first on the floor. I look down to see what made me trip and see my shirts laying around all over the room. "Stupid shirts!!" I mumble while standing up. I pick up a black and white striped cropped shirt from the ground and take out black ripped jeans and a pair of mustard converse from my closet. Picking a black faux leather jacket and my backpack from my desk chair, I run out of my room and yell goodbye to my parents while running out of my home. Fortunately for me, my room was on the ground floor of my one story house, so tripping down the stairs in the name of running was spared. Huh, there is a God up there after all.

My high school was a mere 20 minute walk from my house so I always walk, more like run, to school, thanks to my tendency of being so punctual. Note the sarcasm.

I remove my phone from my jeans pocket and see that it's already 8am. My first lecture begins at 8:30 but we're all required to assemble 10 minutes early. Stupid high school rules.

I pick up my pace and run past all the beautiful houses to my inevitable doom, in other words, high school.

Gasping for air, I stand in front of tall gates, on which " Colon High School- home to the Magis" is written in big bold letters. Looking at my wrist watch, I smirk and enter the school at 8:15am.

"Being early after waking up late sure is a talent. I've gotta treat myself for this one."

I make my way to the lockers and spot a large poster with our school mascot, a white rabbit with a black hat, on it. Personally, I think it is ridiculous. A rabbit? Seriously? But since our town is the supposed "magic town"- thanks to the Abbott Magic company being founded here - everything seems to revolve around 'magic'. We even have a 4 day fair dedicated only to magic every year. As if things couldn't get more stupid.

It's only September and the first week of school so everyone is still in the school spirit. I go to my locker and putting in my passcode, I take out my English books since my first class was english-lit. The only reason to attend school if you ask me.

As I'm walking, I hear someone running towards me and ready myself for what's to come. With a loud thud Caden jumps on my back causing my balance to falter and books to fall.

"What the fuck Cade!?! How many times do I have to tell you? No freaking jumping on me!"

She then got off my back and mused,

"Awww. I love you too Aai. Why do you have to be so good to me?", she exclaimed sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, pick my books and make my way to the class with my stupid excuse for a best friend following.

"So... What'd you dream of today?", she asked, with a hint of excitement in her dark blue eyes. Caden has known about my 'dreams' for a while now. I really needed to tell someone, it got too much to handle alone and she is like a sister to me. She always has been there for me, so it only made sense.

Rolling my eyes, I answered honestly, "Something weird happened today. I felt what season it was in the dream. It's never happened before"

With her eyebrows raised and a face painted in shock, she said, "Knowing you for as long as I have, I know you feel suspicious about it and you'll want to find out how this happened"

With a smile on my face, I walk away from her and towards my class, all while yelling,

"You know me way too well Cade!!"

Sorry if you think this chapter doesn't have much content but I had to establish the base of Aaina's life at home and school. Thank you for reading it!!!! The next might be up tomorrow!

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