Chapter 6

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"So you've really retrieved the thunder helm?"Riju asked as she lounged on her throne. Link nodded, pulling it out to show it in all its glory. She smirked and got up from her seat. "Well well we'll, look at you! Here we were thinking you be left for dead in the yiga hideout, but behold, you certainly live up to your title!" Riju giggled. With a snap of her fingers guards came and took the helm, placing it on its pedestal. "Now that the helm has been returned, we are ready to finally bring Van Naboris to peace, when shall we depart?" Riju asked. Link paused, flashes of the young yiga girl came to mind. Her eyes, her words... something was wrong here.

"I.. don't believe I'm ready to take on Vah Naboris quite yet." Link said. Riju raised a brow, but sat back down on her throne. "Well alright... the yiga must have taken a lot out of you. Shall we leave in the morning then?" Link rubbed the back of his neck. "Im afraid not. I have to return to the Sheikah. Something urgent has come up." He took a step back, Riju sighed. "Very well, but please don't keep me waiting for too long, I'm quite excited for this!" She smiled. "I will be back as soon as I can." He said before turning and leaving.


(Y/n) looked up to the same adobe ceiling, with the same wounds, but with a newfound exhaustion. Her body was drained, unable to move, eat, even think. But she had been able to dream when ever she got a bit of rest, though the dreams... were never something she enjoyed. The hero was plaguing her mind, ever time she shut her eyes, he was standing there in front of her. Blade in his hand, blood on his clothes, confidence in his eyes. Hatred stirred inside of (y/n).

There was a knock,

The door creaked open to Reo, he stood tired in the doorway. "(y/n) i brought you some food." He walked over at the chair next to her, setting the plate down on the bedside table. "Are you feeling any better today?" She gave him no answer. "The group brought back more material safely, so we won't be low on potions and things anytime soon..." still nothing. Sho sighed. "(Y/n)..... please say something."

"How is he?" (Y/n) spoke as she kept starring at the ceiling. He paused. "Kogah is still asleep... but the healers say he will wake up any day now," (Y/n) took a deep breath. "don't bother me until he has waken up, I don't have the energy for these constant visits." She closed her eyes. Reo rubbed the back of his neck as he looked out the window, the moon was beginning to light up the sky as soft beams shined into the room. "I know things have been hard, but (y/n)... please don't be hard on yourself."

(Y/n) turned away from Reo onto her side. "It's my fault that's Kogah is hurt, I let the hero live." Reo stood. "It is not your fault, the hero made this destruction, not you-" but he was quickly interrupted. "If I hadn't gone after him when I knew I wasn't ready, I would have been able to protect Kogah before the hero even got a scratch onto him! Instead I was reckless, and narcissistic." Silent tears began. It was beginning to feel like déjà vu, fighting, losing, hurting, crying. Had she learned nothing?

Reo opened his mouth, but with almost knowing ears, (y/n) spoke up. "Just... leave me Reo. Leave me be." There was a pause. Reo hung his head a bit. "I'll let you rest, but (y/n), just know you aren't alone in this." Reo slowly walked out, closing the door behind him.

(Y/n) stirred in her darkness that laid over her. With her wounds sore, she curled up a bit in her bed, grabbed the blanket around her, white knuckled. The sound of soft crying bled into the halls.


The mountains were quite, a soft breeze blew through the leaves and blades of tall grass. Link sat upon his horse, walking through the large red wooden arches as they approached Kakariko Village. Sounds of children laughing and fire crackling drew louder as they entered.

Standing Alone [Botw Link x Yiga Clan! Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ