"Lou? Zee?"

"Hey Li. Is your side hurting you?" Zayn asked as he moved the ice bag off Liam's side for a little while.

"Nah. I'm fine." He mumbled trying to get comfortable, holding in some pain so the older two would not notice.

"Then why did you have ice against your side, Li?" Louis asked as he move a piece of Liam's hair out of his eyes.

"Cause I am hot?" It was more of the question then a statement. Liam knew something was wrong. It was his back that got injury during the fall, but for some reason his side was killing him. He knew the Lads were worried about him, but he did not want to tell them at all.

"Yea, cause your hot oh right!" Louis and Zayn laughed.

"Am I not?" Liam pouted and then smiled, "I did not mean it like that mates!"

"Of, coarse you did not," Zayn wink.

"Whatever," Liam mumbled as he curled up, hissing a little bit, but not before he fell back to sleep.

The rest of the day continued with the Lads asking Liam several times if he was already when he would let out a whimper or hiss in pain. The answer was always I'm fine, quit worrying, blah blah blah.


The next day, a video had leaked about Louis and Zayn smoking weed while in South America. Everyone was blowing up twitter and all. Liam was thankful that the attention was finally off of him, but he was mostly worried about Zayn and Louis. They both had been called to talk to Management before all of the Lads were supposed to take a flight to their new venue.

Finally it was time for the next show in England. The Lads were glad that they finally were doing several shows in England, where their families could come and watch. The show had started off the best it could have, with all that has happened. Louis and Zayn were only hanging with each other, as they both looked like crap after dealing with Management. Niall and Harry would look concerne at the two, hoping this will blow pass soon. Liam was trying his hardest not to pass out.

They did not need anymore drama at all. Liam started to see stars in his sight. The bright lights were hurting his head. His side has been hurting the past few hours more than before. Liam knew he needed to tell one of the Lads right at this moment that something is wrong and that he could barely breathe. Liam glanced up to see who was closest and that happened to be Harry and Niall. Liam started to make his way towards Harry, as Harry catches a glance at him, slowly moving towards him.

Harry immediately knew something was wrong, and made his way Liam as he was holding onto his side and wincing in pain."What's wrong with your side, Li?" He said as he pulled the microphone away so that he could freely talk .

"It hurts." Liam hissed as the pain once again shot through his body. Harry nods, because he knows this. They all knew about this, knew Liam had been moving away from any of their touches. As Harry tried to put his finger against Liam side, He move quickly away.

"Liam. Your nose." Harry pointed out the nosebleeds that wouldn't stop. Harry quickly unwrapped his headband from his head and tried to help Liam. Harry looked around to see that the others were sneaking glances at them, but were carrying on with the show.

"Liam it wll be fine, Can you finish one more song and then we have a break before the encore?" Harry asked seeing the fears so clearly in Liam's eyes.

"Yes." Liam moves until he is lending on Harry. Harry pulled him closer, hand hovering uncertainly over Liam's side.

"We need to get you to the doctors soon." He whispers into Liam's hair, hands compromising by clutching at Liam's shoulders. Harry was scared.

Liam finally lets go when he just sat down on one of the ramps as they started to sing What Makes You Beautiful.

Harry had taken Liam's solo, so he could rest. The Lads would walk by Liam several times asking if he was okay. He would say no, but he will be.

As it was time for Harry's solo, Liam decide it was the best for him to join the lads. He knew the fans were worried and sad that he was not jumping around, so he decided just this once to join the Lads in the formation.

As Liam join the Lads and stood right in front of Louis and next to Harry. Zayn and Niall shared a worried glance as Louis tapped Liam and whispered, "What are you doing?"

Liam smirked and turned away from Louis and focused on Harry doing his solo. Liam watched as Harry sung his heart. That was the thing Liam loved about Harry and the rest of the lads, but Harry would be putting his heart out in each and every song. Harry was passionate about giving the fans a great song, so was Niall and Liam sometimes, and even Louis and Zayn, but no matter what was going on, Harry would push it away and sing his heart out.

As Liam continued to watch Harry, he started to see double. Putting his hand on Harry's shoulder, Harry missed a couple of lyrics due to be surprised that Liam was right behind him.


That was all said when suddenly the music stop, several fans screaming in horror and crying. Just as Harry had turned around to see Liam, Liam collapsed taking Louis and Zayn with him as they notice and reach to grab Liam.

"Li. Liam! Come on, Love." Louis did not care that some fans heard him. He needed to know what was wrong with his boyfriend.

Liam did not move a muscle.

"Liam! Liam! Come on! Wake up!" Harry tried to shake Liam awake, but not before Zayn stopped him.

Niall did not know what was going on. He just kept mumbling no over and over. He could not believe what was going on. Just a couple days ago, Liam was up around having the time of his life, and now he was in Zayn's and Louis's arms lifeless looking.

His skin was going paler every second.

"Lads, let go. They need to take him to the hospital." Paul said scaring the Lads as they did not pay attention to what was going on around them.

"Zayn. Louis. I need you to let Liam go." Paul told the lads, which caused Louis to tightened his grip.

"No.. No.. I am not letting him.. He needs to be fine. He has to be okay." Tears streaming down all cheeks.

"Lou. They will get me better, if you let them take Liam. They will take care of him, I promise." Paul pointed at the two paramedics that were ready to take over and take Liam to the Ambulance that was waiting right in front of the Lads.

"What if-"

"Louis. You need to let go." Paul tried to pull the oldest away and pushed him towards the other Lads.

Zayn and Harry pulled Louis and Niall into a hug since they were the tallest.

"Wh-what if he does not make it?" Niall whimpered as he was watching the paramedics put Liam into the ambulance.

"He will, Ni." Harry kissed the blonde's forehead, as the ambulance drove away.


Once at the Hospital, the Lads were introduced to Liam's doctor. The doctors had used big words and long phrases that the Lads did not understand. The Doctor basically said that all it meant was that Liam's blood wasn't working and it was eating at him from the inside out, starting with his kidneys. They said that it was a touch and go right now, and that Liam was in critical condition at the moment. The Doctor turned to leave, but said that he will keep them updated as much as he could.

The Lads were in shock. What?! How could this happened to Liam? Their protector, their lover. The one that held them all together. The one who knew what to do during everything.

Niall collapsed on his knees, wailing, "No! No! He can not leave! Not now! I need him. We need him."

Zayn, Louis and Harry took the blonde into their arms, as they cried with him.

What was going to happen next?

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