Harry had finally reached his room in the hotel. He told Mark that he was just going straight to bed, that he was tired.

Mark did not blame him, he knew and saw that Harry was exhausted. Saying his good night and telling Harry when he needed to be up in the morning, Mark left the lad alone.

Harry climbed into his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin, grabbing the pillow to him and crying himself to sleep.

Harry was woken up around three a.m and could not get back asleep. He had decided to creep on twitter and see what people were up to. Harry had saw that several people had retweet a picture, uploading the picture to see that it was his four boyfriends at a club. Well, ex-boyfriends, right? They did not completely say they were done, but with their actions told Harry that he was out.

Tears forming once more in his eyes, Harry could not understand why the lads hated him so much just because of the water thing he always did. Niall always loved it. The fans loved it. Why all of a sudden, did they not? He did not mean for Niall to get hurt.

Somehow, Harry fell back to sleep. He was woken up by Mark telling him it was time to wake up and get ready for a work out and then got hang out at the venue for the last concert there.

During the work out session with Mark, Harry had zoned out several times. Harry had bags under eyes, pale skin, he just looked like he was sick.

"Harry, what is going on?" Mark as he saw Harry not trying his best.

"Nothing, just did not get a good night's sleep," he commented quickly.

"It looks like it." Mark smiled.

"Thanks, mate. Are we done?" Harry asked.

"Yea, go get ready to head to the venue." Mark watched as worriedly as Harry quickly went to his room. Something was wrong, and it was not nothing. Harry was hiding something.

Harry had quickly showered and was all ready to head to the venue. Jumping quickly into the black SUV, before any fans saw him, Harry leaned his head on cold window. His head had been pounding all day, well since Zayn and Liam pushed him into that wall.

Harry jumped out of SUV, and head to Lou to go ahead and get his hair and make-up fix before the other Lads.

Once Harry's hair and make-up were finished, he ran into his dressing room to change into the outfit and mainly to stay away from the other lads.

"Hey, Lunch is ready, mate!" Josh came in the room to alert Harry about Sarah's lunch was ready.

"Thanks, Josh!" Harry put his phone in his pocket as he followed him to the kitchen only to see that the other four were all ready and eating. Josh smiled sadly as Harry as he left him with the other four.

The five lads would always eat together just the five of them, everybody else would either wait or go beforehand.

Harry watched as the four laughed at something Louis said, they looked like nothing happened between any of them. Harry glanced to see that Niall had his knee wrap on. Guilt creep once more in him. It was all his fault that the blonde was hurt.

He finally grabbed his plate and barely filled as he sat down next to Louis.

"Afternoon, loves." Harry tried to make conversation with the Lads.

The four of them glanced at each other and then continued as if nothing stopped them and nothing was said.

Harry glanced down at his plate, not feeling hungry anymore. The Lads were plainly ignore him.

It was like that up to the beginning of the concert. The Lads would cuddle all together without Harry. Play and mess around. Even when Harry had to asked them something, they would just keep talking or walk away.

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