Elijah was surprised by the question, biting his lip as he stared at Aiden. He hesitated before giving a small nod. He had never slept with another person, but he was hopeful he would enjoy it.
"Yes, Sir. If that is okay with you."

"Of course, love. And, with your permission, I would like to take you into the toy room tomorrow. It will be nothing serious, I simply want to introduce you to it. Teach you a few basic things. Nothing in there will happen without your consent." Aiden explained as he stood, Elijah quickly doing the same. He drew the covers back on the bed before motioning for the boy to crawl in. He got right behind him, amusement growing when he noticed Elijah did not move to cuddle him. He was clearly nervous, most likely having never slept in the same bed as another.

"That sounds okay." Elijah nodded. He knew he should allow himself to be introduced to the purple room. It was a big part of Aiden's life, soon to be his life. He could not say he had a problem with it; so far, he had loved everything Aiden did with him. For the first time in a long time, he was happy.

"Thank you." Aiden breathed, wrapping his arms around Elijah. He drew him into his chest, pressing a small kiss against his forehead, and running his fingers through his hair.

It felt right to have someone by his side again. He had searched for years for a sub, but he had not been able to find one that was right for him, matched his personality, and suited his needs. Yet it seemed Elijah was everything he had been looking for. He was new to the lifestyle so he could shape him and teach him to his liking; he did not have to worry about someone having had taught him wrong. It seemed like he was a natural in almost everything, driving Aiden up a wall with how adorable he was. Above all, Aiden could take care of him like he wanted. He could ensure Elijah had everything he needed and was healthy. A few of his other subs had refused any gifts he gave them, stating it was 'too much'. Yet Elijah had been more than happy to accept the nice clothes, the new shoes, and the bedroom he offered. Not because he wanted to spend his money, but because he had never had those things before.

Aiden held Elijah close to his chest throughout most of the night, enjoying the way he snuggled against him. He only woke him when it was 7:00am. He took his time in doing so, starting by slowly caressing his fingers up Elijah's exposed legs. Then he carefully trailed his fingers up his chest, lightly flicking his nipples as he did so. While Elijah did not wake fully, he stirred with a soft whine before snuggling back into his chest.

"My, it seems you enjoy my bed more than your own." Aiden chuckled softly, rolling him onto his back. He stood out of his bed, deciding to let him sleep in just a little more as he got dressed into his work out clothing. He ate a banana for his pre-workout snack, glancing at Elijah before disappearing to the gym. He took his time in his workout, spending an hour in the gym before returning to his bedroom. He took a shower before he took his time in combing his hair back and brushing his teeth. He flossed as well before getting dressed into his business suit. The time was nearing 9:00am which meant he needed to wake Elijah for breakfast. He disappeared to Elijah's room, picking out a pair of dress slacks, a belt, a nice pair of socks and shoes, and a blue shirt.

"Elijah." Aiden hummed crouching down by the bed where Elijah slept peacefully.
"Wake up, love. It is time for breakfast." He ran his fingers through the soft hair before lightly tugging them. He received a whine in response making him chuckle.
"The cook is making pancakes for you to try. Now wake up." When he still did not move, Aiden frowned before sighing.
"So you are going to make me late for work? I was hoping you could join me." The boy's eyes opened rather quickly, and he looked at Aiden in surprise.

"Really?" He asked hopefully. When he received a nod, he quickly jumped up and disappeared into the bathroom. He seemed completely unaware of the eyes that followed him, loving him in just the night shirt. His ass jiggled just slightly as he ran, barely visible under the hem of the shirt.
"Why am I going with you?" Elijah called from the bathroom as he came out. He got dressed into the clothes Aiden picked without argument.

"I figured you may want to get out the house." Aiden chuckled softly, watching him get dressed. Elijah then disappeared to his own room to brush his teeth and hair before meeting Aiden in the hallway.

"Am I supposed to do anything?" He asked, just a little worried. He knew nothing about business and did not want to embarrass Aiden.

"No, love. Just be there and look pretty." Aiden chuckled, leading the way to the dining room. He glanced at the time, making a small 'tsk' as they sat. The food was already waiting as it was 9:05am.
"Next time, be a little quicker. I very much enjoy punctuality." Elijah lowered his head at the slight scolding but quickly nodded.

"O-Okay." He bit his lip and Aiden smiled softly, beginning to eat.

"You are not in trouble." He reassured him as he took a bite. Elijah looked up at him worriedly before he nodded, beginning to eat his food as well.
"I like to be at the office for 10:00am, but I am not needed until 10:30am. I simply do not enjoy being late." Aiden explained as they finished their food before making their way downstairs. Elijah was pleased to see they would be riding in the royal purple Lamborghini.

"You like purple." Elijah commented, smiling as Aiden opened the door for him. He slipped into the car, buckling himself up, and allowing Aiden to shut the door.

"I do." Aiden chuckled lowly, getting into the car, and starting it. He glanced to Elijah before turning on the radio.
"Feel free to listen to whatever you like. Or, if you want to listen to my music you can. Though it tends to be piano music." Elijah nodded, studying the radio for a moment before he flipped through the different stations. Aiden glanced his way on occasion, holding back a soft sigh. He was not fond of station slipping but he understood the boy did not often get to use a radio. Finally, Elijah sat back with a pout, looking his way.

"Can we listen to the piano?" He asked softly, annoyed he could not find a station he liked. Aiden chuckled, reaching over, and flipping the radio to sync with his phone. He casually opened the phone, sliding it into his hands.

"This is my playlist. You can scroll through it as you please." Elijah nodded, choosing the first song which was 'River Flows In You' by Yiruma.

"This is relaxing." He smiled, leaning back in the seat and relaxing. Aiden chuckled softly, nodding as he drove.

They arrived at his work rather quickly. Aiden shut the car off, opening Elijah's door for him and helping him out. Immediately when he entered, they were approached by a beautiful red head. She grinned when she saw them, pulled Aiden into a big hug.
"I missed you yesterday! Where were you?!"

Elijah bit back a grin as he saw Aiden's face. He scowled at her, tugging free of her grip.
"Heather." He sighed.
"I had a business meeting outside the office to tend to."

"Well that sucks. Oh! And you must be Elijah! My Aiden has talked about you nonstop for the past month!" Heather turned her attention to Elijah, grinning. She was very nice, it seemed, and extremely preppy.

"Heather." Aiden warned, crossing his arms but she ignored him. It was clear she was not intimidated by his presence.

"He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for your arrival! Oh, tell me, would you like a cupcake? I have plenty!" Elijah wanted to immediately say yes but he quickly remembered Aiden's list of rules. If he were to eat any junk food, he had to have permission.

"Sir?" He questioned. Aiden appeared amused, but also pleased that he remembered his rules.

"Do not expect me to often approve." Aiden warned before he gave a small nod.
"However, since you did well to remember, you can." Elijah's eyes lit up and Heather handed him a cupcake. He took his time in enjoying it, though he was extremely careful of his outfit. He did not want to ruin anything given to him by Aiden.

"Oh, I see. So, you have already gone into rules?" Elijah flushed immediately at her words and scooted a little closer to Aiden. He found it embarrassing for others to know the lifestyle he was becoming involved in. While he had enjoyed it so far, it felt like something naughty that should not be so put out there.
"You don't have to look so embarrassed! See!" Heather pulled her jacket down, revealing a silver collar. For the most part, it looked like a choker but there was a small tag hanging off a loop.

Elijah swallowed, using his free hand to grab onto Aiden's suit jacket. It was a reminder that Aiden wanted to collar him; he wanted to make him his fully. While Elijah was not completely against the idea, he was not sure if it was something he was ready for yet. He felt a hand placed on his lower back and was gently nudged forward.

"Let's go to my office."

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