🖤The Play🖤

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Bridgette: Let's just get this done fast. It's so boring.

Felix: Lower down your voice or someone will hear you. He will be here at any moment. Take these.

Bridgette: What? What are these?

Felix: Narcotic bills. We need this to seem real as much as we can.

Bridgette: and I should trust you?

    She said as looking at him with her raised-up eyebrow. He replied.

Felix: Come on, Bridgette. How long have we been working together? I won't betray the people fighting on my side.

Bridgette: I still can't trust you but for the sake of the mission, I will do it.

     She took one of the bills and started feeling dizzy. Suddenly someone broke into the window of the office.

    5 minutes earlier Somewhere else. The three of them were in her room searching it up for any clues that's when Luka's wireless device started ringing. He quickly answered.

Luka: Officer Luka Coffaine is talking. Did you get any updates about her place?

A cop: Yes, sir. She's in a clinic in Av Jean jaurès street. She went to visit a psychologist called Felix Graham De La Vanille.

Chat Noir: What? That... That's my cousin. Marinette is in danger. We have to hurry.

Luka: what do you mean he's your cousin.

Chat Noir: Felix is a bad guy. He works in all kinds of illegal stuff. The miraculous must be something he wants.

   He got out of there and headed straight to that place thinking only about only one thing.

    "If Felix is behind all this then I swear to God, this will be his last day on earth"

    And when he arrived, he broke in through the window. The girl suddenly started feeling dizzy and breaking apart. She fell to the ground holding her head as she felt a massive headache. She can hear his voice screaming that name.

Chat Noir: MARINETTE!!!

   She got unconscious as chat noir walked to where she was lying and stood up for Felix.

Chat Noir: Felix, get away from her. I know what you are up to and it's definitely nothing good.

Felix: Look what the cat dragged in? Let's make a deal here. The miraculous in exchange for her life.


    He was breathing heavily in anger. His blood was boiling and he thought of getting it all out on Felix but as a psychologist. Felix was smarter than that. He said.

FELIX: I knew talking won't work with you. I still had to try though. You know what Adrien. Your anger will someday be your downfall if you didn't learn how to control it. Take it from me. I am a psychologist after all.

    He said as he walked to his desk and pressed some numbers.

Felix: Girls. You're up.

   He took out a breathing mask from one of the desk's drawers and wore it as a green gas filled the room. Felix held fake Marinette bridal style and got out of the room while Adrien was unable to breathe in there. He fell to the ground coughing and calling her name. Marinette... Marinette... Marinet... He did not have any energy left to do anything. He just collapsed while Felix got away. Outside the reception room, Lila was holding 2 guns in her hands and pointing them at everyone. As Felix got out of the room, she secured his exiting and escaped. 3 minutes later, Luka and Chloe arrived to find no one in there but Adrien fallen to the ground and breathing heavily. They both ran to him asking in worrier.

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