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     One hour earlier in Italy, both Chloe and Luka got out of the airport that's when Chloe talked.

Chloe: So we still have 6 hours until our next plane. Do you want to hang out? You know, we can have some fun for now.

Luka: What? Of course not, Chloe. We don't have time for this. We must head to the seaport and see if we can catch them.

Chloe: Come on Luka. Even if we were able to catch with them, we can't take them down by ourselves. We will wait for them in China and when they arrive, we get them down. That's the plan, right?

Luka: Chloe, I just can't have fun while Marinette is in danger somewhere out there. I am just worried.

   It was suddenly enough Marinette to her. The way he always calls out the name Marinette and hers is rarely heard coming out of his mouth. The way he cares so much for Marinette and she's the third wheel left hanging on the shelf. The way his eyes shine when he talks to Marinette but she could only see the strict ones when he talks to her. It's just enough! She screamed out loud.

Chloe: Marinette!! Marinette!! Marinette!! All you ever think about is Marinette. You don't want to have fun? That's fine. I will have fun on my own.

She then shed a tear as continuing.

Chloe: I don't need you to be happy.

     And she stormed out of there and walked away to the downtown nearby. She just felt angry, broken, jealous.

    "Why did I have to suffer falling in love with that fool? He doesn't deserve me... I worth more than hanging on a tight rope like that. I can't stop loving him and I can't make him mine. He never shows any interest in me. When did I do this mistake and fall for him. How did he do this to me. To my pride. Me and my stupid heart."

   She cursed herself and how weak she's when it comes to love. About Luka, he was surprised at Chloe reaction to what he believes was something wrong that he said but he didn't know what to do? He wanted to follow her but at the same time couldn't. What does he tell her when he doesn't understand what she says. He only wished it was what his heart had desired for a lifetime. And Marinette suddenly crossed his mind again and got him thinking.

   " I wonder what is she suffering right now? I hope you're doing well, Mari."

    And he walked in the streets and Chloe took the wheel of his mind once more.

"It's still weird the way Chloe talked to me. It's like she was planning for this and I just came and canceled her preparations. I am afraid she might do something stupid. I will go search for her."

He decided and started looking around trying to know where did she go and after half an hour of searching, he found her in one of the bars. He entered and walked to her then grabbed her arm and pulled her outside that place.

Luka: Chloe, let's get out of here. We have a mission to accomplish.

Chloe: you mean saving that dummy Marinette you have a crush on.

Luka: Chloe, what the heck are you talking about? Let's get out of here first and we will talk about it later.

   She freed her arm from his grip and started shouting.

Chloe: I am not going anywhere with you. Leave me alone. The damage you caused me up until now is enough. Do you hear me? THIS IS ENOUGH.

Luka: Chloe, you're drunk. You don't know what are you talking about I am not getting out of here without you.

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