🖤I Need You To Wait🖤

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Marinette said in a horrified tone as her heart started beating so fast. Adrien cursed his bad luck again. Once again, he feels so close but it doesn't work. Why isn't anything going as he wants? They stood back to back as he said in a protective tone.

Adrien: Don't worry, you have got the earrings and even if you didn't, I will protect you. So transform, NOW!!!

Marinette: Tikki... spots on.

Adrien: Plagg... Claws out.

They said as their suits appeared. Three sharks were swimming around the yacht.

Chat Noir: Marinette we have to fight.

Ladybug: I am so scared. They are going to have us for lunch.

She fell to the ground on her knees and cried when he turned around to look at her and put his hand on her shoulder.

Chat Noir: Marinette, look at me. We can defeat them if we work together. Trust me OK. It's either we fight or we die. I know you can do this.

Marinette looked in his eyes and got all the courage she needed. She smiled at his encouraging words and stood up still having a little bit of fear in her heart.

Ladybug: Let's do this. LUCKY CHARM... A speaker? OK, think Marinette, think.

She started looking around with her vision which led her to the mp3 device she had. She then remembered something.

Ladybug: I have got an idea but I need you to protect my back.

Chat Noir: Cataclysm.

He assured her. She quickly took the mp3 device and played the sounds of dolphins on it then moved it closer to the speaker. As soon as the sharks heard that sound, they ran away. Well two of them ran but the third one which is the strongest of them all stayed and was pumping into the yacht.

Ladybug: I... I don't understand. It worked.

Chat got closer to the edge to see what is the cause of this when he saw something weird.

Chat Noir: The shark. Something is blocking its hearing system. It's something sharp.

Ladybug: We must do something.

Chat Noir: Stay here and don't follow me.

Ladybug: What are you going to do?

Chat Noir: Something risky.

He smiled at her and jumped into the water as she screamed.

Ladybug: ADRIEN NOOO!!!

Why is she so scared about him? As if she's afraid of losing him. Does he mean something to her? Is he that important? From under the water, he used his baton to breathe that's when the shark saw him and started swimming towards him. His heart was beating so fast in fear but he just has to face that fear. He was about to use his cataclysm on the shark when he found the shark suddenly being wrapped by a yoyo. He looked behind to find her. She pulled the shark back and looked at him then looked at the metal thing in the shark's ear. She was telling him not to kill the shark but help him. Although he wasn't cool with that idea, he trusted her and swam to its ear and was about to cataclysm the metal when the shark started moving its tail and chat got hit by the sharp metal in his left arm. He groaned in pain but then got a hold of himself and cataclysmed the metal in its ear. The shark was able to hear again and as the dolphin sounds were still on, it got afraid and ran away, that's when Ladybug held Chat upside to the yacht and they both rested on the floor de-transforming.

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