Bye Jumanji

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Inside the building, there were panic and fighting going on.

Bethany has a stick of fire.

Fridge was going through what equipment he has in his bag until he found a music box.

"Anyone wanna dance on this lovely day?" 

Dance fighting was with Martha.

Jurgen was going to get onto an air balloon, but Spencer was able to get in there with him.

"Food fight!" M/n said joining in with Fridge.

"What happened to you?"

"I told you my heart is broken. I don't know what is going to happen, but am sure that Jurgen would be in great danger if he doesn't want to change his mind on his plan to keep the Falcon jewel."

Martha got some nunchuks and used them to her advantage to fight.

Eddie was fighting with a stick/staff.

Bethany was still fighting.

After the fight, they went outside to see Spencer.

"That wood pillar isn't going to stay there together. The force is too strong."

Spencer made it in the air craft and was going to fight with Jurgen.


"He said to get onto his back."

"Who me?"

Eddie and Milo were going to save Spencer from falling to his doom of death.

"Jumanji!" Everyone called out once the Falcon jewel was in direct sunlight above the clouds.

"We did it!"

Everyone was excited for their accomplishment to save Jumanji again. Eddie and Milo for the first time.

Soon, Nigel came riding a dog sled. 

"Whoa. Well done, intrepid adventurers. You have saved Jumanji. Again. And now, with your permission, Dr. Breavestone, I will take the jewel from here. I will protect it with my life and return it to the care of the elder at the Avian Province. And so your work here is done. All of Jumanji thanks you. And, sadly, this is where we part."

"I don't know what is sad about it. I'm ready to get the hell out of here."

"I want to stay here. I know that I will not return back in a long time, but I am 75 and just learned how to fly. I am also sick, so I won't really be living long in the real world."

"Anyone want to say a little farewell to Milo before you leave?"

"Oh, Milo. I feel like I, uh, just got you back. Now I'm losing you for good."

"You're not losing me, buddy. I'll always be with you."

"Being your partner... is one of the best things I ever got to be."

"Thank you."

"No, no. Thank you Milo." Eddie said as he hugged his long time friend before he went off flying away. 

"Take care Milo!"


"Go, Milo!"

"So long, Milo!"

"Bye-Bye Mr. Walker!"

"It was nice getting to know you as well as I could!"

"That's my partner right there. Everybody should be so lucky to have a friend like Milo."

"Come on, Grandpa. Let's go home. Hey guys. Thanks for coming to get me."

"You do it again, you're gonna be stuck here, Spencer! 'Cause I ain't coming back."

Everyone left the game and went back to the real world outside of Jumanji.

"Everyone okay?"


"Grandpa, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Help! I am stuck in a box and I have no idea how to get out."


"Yeah. So, were you the people who broke the game box? I am feel strange with whatever you describe this stage. Whoa, so this is supposed to be a house. It seems more advance than I normally would see in a village or town."

"Yeah. Sorry M/n, but the game you live in is strange enough to be very dangerous to live in for us people."

"Understandable for a realistic way of living life. At least you guys are alive!"

Fridge got M/n out of the game console screen and everyone was chatting up on what was going on in their lives.

Later, Spencer taught his grandpa how to play his video games.

Bethany and Martha were shopping with M/n to get new clothes to wear, not that he had anything with him except fur. 

Anthony went to get chill at the mall to accompany M/n.

Alex went back to see his family. 

At night, everyone went to Nora's to eat.

"Bluh. First time eating cake and I dislike it."

Anthony just pushed the cake to the side after thinking about cake.

Spencer and Eddie soon came into the place.

Then Nora showed up.

"Nora Shepherd?"

(Is this the same Nora as the first Jumanji movie in the year of 1995 or something?)

"You know her?"

"Barely... No. However, she is related to Judy and Peter. They were players like you in the game but the board game one of Jumanji. They played with Alan and Sarah. I don't know what happened actually, but I have a feeling that happened in the past way before you guys showed up. Other than that feeling, Jurgen was a player playing the game but on a different schedule on the mission to get out."

"How is your heart doing since the leave of Jumanji?"

"It is good, I guess. It might hurt for other people being me, but I am strong enough to handle it as if there isn't any pain at all. The game might need some healing, but I am sure that if we were to find something like a replacement that I could get back to normal as can be. However, I guess I could hangout in your world for the time being. It feels strange not being near the trees of the jungle, but I can handle the change like you guys did when staying in my world."

"Yeah. We can find a way for you to adjust to our world. We are a team. Always and forever."

"Always and forever."

"Is it normal to have ostriches near this place?"


Everyone checked out outside and saw a herd of ostriches running down the street.

"Well, I think that the repairman for the furnace has came to your house. Must be a gamer. Ha, ha, ha." M/n laughed weakly as his heart glowed green.

Author Note

Any requests after this movie?





Other character(s)...

If not, then this is the end of the story, I think.

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