Meeting the Gang

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"Well you look at that. There are people falling through the sky." M/n said as he was in a tree.

"Nigel! The group you wanted is here in Jumanji. They are near the hippo pond." M/n said as he landed on the roof of the vehicle Nigel was driving.

"Okay, good eye. Let's meet them shall we." Nigel said with a happy tone.

"Yeah. Let's just hope they don't play with my tail and scratch my ear or pat my head. I despise those actions done to me." M/n said in his seat. 

"Welcome to Jumanji. My name is Nigel. It is a pleasure to meet you. Jumanji needs you and you are our only saviors. Get in the vehicle." Nigel said.

"O.M.G. You are so adorable. I just wish I could take a picture of you right now doing a cute pose." Professor Shelly said.

"What is a picture?" M/n asked confused. He was riding in the back trunk to avoid the group.

"You don't have to worry about that. Right guys?" Ruby said. 

Nigel greeted everyone. 

Professor Bravestone,

Ruby Roundhouse,

Professor Sheldon,

and "Mouse."

They then read the letter. We then deported in a field. 

"Don't forget. Save Jumanji and call out it's name. See you when you have saved Jumanji." Nigel said as he drive away from us.

"Great. He left us in an empty field in the middle of no where." Moose said.

"Well... At least it isn't a dessert because that would be a very distant place to find anything. Also, there are ostriches who could be angry if provoked. I do not want to deal with an angry group of animals." M/n said as he observed the people with him.

"Wow... What are we supposed to do with this character programmed into this stupid game? I want to go back home." Moose said. 

"Programmed? I am not real? So, I am just a fake being part of a fake world?" M/n said in confusion with Moose's words in his head.

"No, no, no. Don't listen to that. You are as real as can be. Also, we need your help with saving Jumanji. Since you have the ability to move as you can please, help us and you will go home." Moose tried to reason with M/n.

"Okay! However, Jumanji is my home. This is the place where I was born. So, where else would I be if it were not Jumanji."

"Then who are we missing from the group?" Bravestone asked.

"Missing person? Oh... You mean the pilot. He is somewhere in Jumanji. I think he crash landed a couple of times with the bad guys. Other than that, mosquitoes are his weaken. I think he mentioned his name to be Alex. He came here a couple of months ago. I haven't seen him in a while."

"Okay- What is that? Oh. This must be my information."

Later, everyone went through their strengths and weaknesses.

M/n had laughed at the part where Moose had complained about his weaknesses. Cake and capabilities.

"So, you want to be called Spencer, Fridge, Bethany, and Martha. Cool! I was sort of afraid that you guys would tease with my jaguar hybrid genes. You know the tail and ears. It gets annoying and I really dislike not knowing what is happening. Oh look... We got company." M/n said as people came riding  on motorcycles.


Everyone ran.

Fridge was slow because of his programmed character.

Spencer tried and failed at the boomerang.

 Martha was cool in using her self defense skills to kick the people chasing them.

They then landed safely at the bottom of the cliff.

"I was shot," Martha then exploded in blood red. 

She then returned and landed on Fridge.

"I am so sorry Fridge for landing on you."

"It is alright."

"Well, it looks like you have two more lives to spear. You have two marks on your arm compared to three marks from before." M/n said the obvious because he doesn't know what to do.

"Come on! Let's go to the village nearby. I am sure there are things there that could help us with the journey. Follow me!" M/n said as he climbed the trees to get a better view of what is ahead of their pathway.

So, the group followed the little jaguar to complete their mission in saving the world they have yet no knowledge of what so ever. 

"Let's save Jumanji!"

Author Note

I quit in remember what really happened in the story. Sorry. I am lazy and tired of work.

Don't complain if it is too short. At least it is over a hundred words.

I seriously lost interest in writing, but I will do it for you people because why not. There are more chapters to stories to post, so I will do it as quick as I can remember a plot to write about in my time without schoolwork or home business.

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