"Friendly." Stephen scowls over his shoulder at Ryker, as she tugs him down the hall.

"Eh." Charlie shrugs. "Ryker doesn't care about a lot of people unless you come with a set of tits and don't annoy the shit out of him."

Once in English class, Charlie sticks close to her new toy, by choosing a seat next to him, and even inviting him to sit with them at lunch.

Sliding in beside her, Asher's gaze runs over their new member. "Spielen sie, meinen kleiner Fuchs?" Are you playing, my little fox?

"Ja." She grins, turning her attention to Asher. "Er ist hübsch." He's pretty. Her eyes flick back to Stephen. "Wheels, this is my boyfriend, Asher. Asher, Stephen Wheeler."

Disappointment fills Stephen's eyes as they land on Asher. "Boyfriend?"

Asher raises a brow in response. "Yes. Is it that surprising?"

Stephen shakes his head. It isn't surprising she has one, but he was hoping she didn't.

"Wheels just moved here from..." Charlie's pauses realizing she has no idea where he's from.

"Missouri," Stephen finishes for her.

"Oh." Her eyes grow slightly in surprise. "How the hell did you end up here?"

Stephen's gaze drops to his food tray. "Parents divorced. The one only one thing the both could agree on. Neither wanted custody of me. I didn't fit into either of their new lives." He gives a small shrug. "So I came out here to live with my sister."

A smile pulls at the corner of her mouth. "I think you're going to fit in perfectly with us."

Now to determine how well.

"So, what do you do for fun?"

"Racing, or it used to be. I'd spend my weekends at the race track competing. I did drag races and demo derbies." His eyes lighten as he recalls his favorite pastime. "I even built my own car once for a demo derby."

A broad smile spreads across Charlie's face. "Races, huh?" Her head turns to Asher, flashing him her pleading, can I keep him, eyes.

Asher rolls his eyes. "Charlotte likes to race."

Stephen's gaze snaps up to Charlie. "Really? What kind?"

"Um," she smirks, and leans into Asher. "Street."

Stephen scowls, and leans in to whisper. "Street? Isn't that illegal?"

A coy grin spreads across her face as she leans over dangerously close to him. "Yes."

He nods and sits back.

Turning his full gaze on him, Asher lets his desire for knowledge snap out. "Does illegal races and such activities bother you?"

"Nah, there's a reason my parents didn't want me." Picking up a fry, Stephen pops it into his mouth. "I like taking joy rides, and got into some trouble tagging back home." Stephen's eyes slightly widen at his admission. When no one seems phased, he relaxes.

"Don't worry, Wheels, you're in good company." Charlie winks, before curling into Asher. Tilting her head up to Asher's ear she whispers just soft enough for him to hear. "Want some breakfast for lunch, Baney?"

A slow grin spreads across Asher's face as he pushes back and stands. "I know a great spot."

Charlie hops up next to him just as Stephen asks, "A great spot for what?"

"You don't wanna know." Ryker snorts nearby, knowing that those two can't keep their hands off each other for five minutes.

"Fourth breakfast." Asher grins.

House of Cards: Book 4 of the Wildcard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now