Part 14: Captives

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Longarm carries Ravage with him as the rest of the team returns to the base. Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, and Optimus check out the surprising dilemma as the others explain.

Prime: "I see that you have returned with a visitor."

Longarm: "Yeah, but it came at a cost. They have Carly."

All: "What?!"

Side: "It was Prowl's fault."

Prowl: "Shut up Sideswipe."

Cliff: "I knew it! Prowl was the traitor all along!"

Prowl smacks Cliffjumper in the face to teach him a lesson.

Cliff: "He even slaps like a traitor too!"

Jazz: "Speaking of slapping, don't you have to slap someone Cliff?"

Cliff: "That's right! Thanks for the reminder Jazz."

Cliffjumper goes over to Wheeljack and smacks him upside the head.

Wheel: "Ow! What was that for?"

Jazz: "You jinxed it again fool."

Wheel: "It was a coincidence."

Cliff: "Yeah sure, and I'm a paranoid schizophrenic who thinks there is a traitor on the team."

Wheel: "But you are."

Cliff: "You have no proof."

Wheel: "You got a list of possible traitors on my desk over there!"

Cliff: "....Other than that you have no proof."

The Autobots military friends come in to hear the terrible news.

Ace: "What's all this I hear.... and what's that?"

Longarm: "That's Ravage, a Decepticon spy and hunter."

Tyrone: "And you thought bringing his scary ass back here was a good idea?"

Jazz: "Relax dude they know we are here anyway. They were here with us when we crashed all those years ago."

Tyrone: "Oh."

Weazel: "So the Decepticons have the girl, and we have the cat. What exactly should we do?"

Prime: "We wait, knowing Megatron he will want to make a trade at some point."

Spike: "A trade? How can you even be sure that she will even be alive?"

Prime: "Megatron will make sure nothing will happen to her, especially since we are now in possession of one of his most vital soldiers."

Spike: "I sure hope so."

Ironhide walks over to Wheeljack for a special request.

Ironhide: "Wheeljack, I need an upgrade."

Wheel: "Ratchet and I are busy as it is making new weapons for our human allies, but sure. What do you need?"

Ironhide: "My heavy iron got busted fighting Fearswoop. It had little effect on him, and I need to make sure next time we meet I can put him or any other Decepticon down for good."

Wheel: "I'll see what I can do."

Beach: "So what are going to do with the kitty man?"

Prime: "We will need to lock him up in a special barrier cage until further notice."

As Prime locks up Ravage into the cage, his eye slowly starts to light up.

Back at the Decepticon base, Splicer and crew return to base, and Megatron points out that there is something is wrong.

Splicer: "We're back!"

Megatron: "I see Laserbeak has the girl... where is Ravage?"

Splicer: "He's Ravage? Come here kitty kitty kitty! Hmm that usually works."

Rumble: "Maybe he took a cat nap."

(Frenzy laughs)

Megatron: (angry) "Silence! Do you realize the scope of this disaster Rumble? Optimus has one of my most valuable team members held hostage and all you can think about is making jokes?

Frenzy: "It was Laserbeak's fault!"

Beak: (confused) "Caw?"

Scream: (sarcastically)"Something went wrong? Oh how terrible indeed Megatron."

Megatron has no time for this nonsense and grabs Starscream by the neck. He then faceplants Starscream hard on the floor.

Blast: "Whoa! Megatron sure is pissed."

Dropkick: "Shocker."

Brimstone's nasal sensors pick up an anomaly that gets him excited.

Brim: (sniffing) "Do I smell... organic?"

Brimstone then runs toward Carly, and Dropkick and Blastwave have to restrain him in order to secure their leverage.

Brim: "Let me grind all your bones, twice!"

Megatron: "Settle down you monster. Now then let me take a closer look at this vermin."

Carly: "Who are you calling vermin?"

Megatron: (leaning in) "I guess there were a few misconceptions here. I was referring to you, and what do you have to say to that?"

Carly: "I'd say Optimus Prime is going to kick your ass!"

Megatron: (laughing) "Oh is that a threat? You are in no position to threaten me human. You are weak just like the Autobots, and we all know the weak perish before the strong."

Carly: (boldly) "If they're so weak, then why are you so afraid to fight Optimus?"

Thunder: (in the background) "She got you good Megatron!"

Megatron: (angry) "Say that again Thundercracker and I will give you a beating worse than Starscream."

Thunder: -gulp- "Yes sir. (to himself) Eat slag you old bucket head."

Soundwave walks in hearing about Ravage's disappearance.

Megatron: "Fear not Soundwave, Ravage will be returned to you soon enough. How much longer until your clone is ready for combat Skywarp?"

Skywarp: "Four days my lord."

Megatron: "The same amount of time until the Vehicons are ready. Excellent, I have a plan now. Soundwave, I want a live video call with Optimus."

Soundwave configures the connection to the Ark, and the monitor begins ringing.

Jazz: "What's that?"

Ratchet: "A live feed, but from where?"

Prime: "Megatron, hook it up Wheeljack."

"Hello Optimus."

"Where is the girl?"

"Oh she's safe.... for now."

"What do you want?"

"I see you have something of mine, and I'm willing to make a trade."

"I'm listening."

"In four days we will exchange our respective prisoners, and if you don't comply more innocent lives are going to be lost because of you, and I know you can't have that on your plate."

"Very well, we will meet at these coordinates."

Megatron uploads the coordinates to the screen, and to Optimus's terror he realizes it's in the middle of a big city.

"But there is a populated city there, there must be-"

"No, my word is final Optimus. Meet my demands or the whole city falls to ashes."

"Very well....I accept."

'Very wise, until next time old friend."

Prowl: "You can't be serious Optimus, what if it's a trap?"

Prime: "It most certainly is a trap, but Megatron is in control now and we have to comply."

Prowl: "So what's the plan?"

Prime: 'We prepare for battle, this ends here. Wheeljack, make a many weapons as you can, we will need them."

Wheel: "You got it boss."

Beach: "So what about the cat?"

Prime: "We will have to watch him to see that he doesn't escape.

Little do the Autobots know is that even when captured Ravage is still in complete control.

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