Those Manchester Nights

Start from the beginning

I heard the shuffling of feet moving slowly towards the door. A few sobs were still escaping Dan’s lips but a small thud sounded over them as his body slouched to the floor on the other side of the door, leaning his back against it. 

I sunk down to the floor as well and propped my back up against the door too. My voice silent as I listened to the small gurgles Dan still made occasionally, causing my heart to sink a little as the sadness seeped out of him and flowed through the door like a puddle creeping through the crack underneath. 

A small voiced echoed through the door, “How?” Dan’s voice a simple whisper that sounded so full of sorrow. 

“Well,” I began slowly, “it means you care. It means that you worry about me, about us ever being a situation like that. And yes you may not have reacted instantly but it sounds like it was more of a shell shock to you. You were so worried about me, even if it wasn’t actually me, you were so worried that you couldn't even move. You froze with fear. And well, some may see it as a coward action but personally I see it as an action of loyalty and love. It shows that the fear of seeing someone you love so much  being hurt actually makes you freeze in place, it means you love them so much that seeing them like that actually freezes your mind to accept its actually happening. You refuse to see the worst. You refuse to see the one you love hurt. And well, now that you’ve witnessed something like that and the way you’ve reacted, well; it comforts me because I know that you’ll refuse to hurt me by leaving me.” 

As soon as I finish my words I feel the door unlock behind me and open suddenly. I squeal as I fall back from my sitting position, only to find myself found on Dan’s lap from when he’d turned around. Before I could even smile up at him he pressed his lips against me in a rough and desperate kiss. He kissed so passionately, no hint of lust behind it, pure love and protection but also a hint of the hot chocolate he drank outside. His tongue asked for permission before I allowed him to explore my mouth, his warm breathe mixing with mine as we both escaped together to our own little world full of bliss and the stars above. 

He pulled away slowly after we both started to struggle for breathe, however that didn’t stop him from pulling me into an incredibly tight hug, running his fingers through my hair as he whispered gently into my ear, “Phil, my dearest Phil, if that’s how you'll feel inside if I ever do that to you; which I promise I never will because I refuse to let you hurt like that, but if I ever do that to you; I want you to stab me in the back with a knife and gouge out my eyes because I’d rather be close to death, in seething pain; than ever see you like that.” 

As emotional as he was being I couldn’t help but laugh a little about how graphic he was describing the image. He let out a small chuckle as he heard my reaction before speaking a little louder, “I love you you little weirdo.” He pulled away slightly before catching my lips in another gentle kiss. 

Pulling away slowly I looked up into his deep brown eyes, “I love you too you emotional twit.” I poked my tongue out at him as he rolled his eyes towards me before retuning the action. 

“Oh shush,” Dan whined with a smile appearing on his lips and the tears faded away from his eyes, “I was worried about you. Even if it wasn’t you… but still. I wish I’d done something sooner.” 

“Dan you did the best you could’ve done. Plus if you’d had jumped in sooner, no offence but you would have been smashed to pieces. You’re not the most masculine of guys.” I grabbed his cheek and wiggled them the way you would to a baby. 

He swatted my hand away before letting out a ‘hmph’ noise and crossing his arms, “Please!” he retorted, “I’m manly.” 

“Dan!” I snort out, “You cried the other day when we watched Wall-E!”

“Hey! He experienced love for the first time! It was extremely moving and bought back memories!” 

“Memories?” I questioned. 

Dan’s cheeks flushed a little as he slowly turned away from me. “Oh um, nothing.” 

I grabbed his shoulder before he fully turned away from me, “It’s rude to not finish a sentence when speaking to someone, come on. What memories?”

Dan’s eyes dropped to the floor as he lowered his head and his cheeks became a brighter shade of red, “Memories of um, memories of what I felt the first time you kissed me. When we sat out on the balcony of your old flat and you suddenly leant in and kissed me gently whilst we looked over the city stars. And well, now we do that when ever we get the chance, whenever we like. Without feeling the nerves of ‘oh, does he actually like me,’ cause well, I love you Phil and those are my favourite nights we have together. No sex, no make out sessions, don’t get me wrong their great! Fantastic even! But the ones where it’s just you, me, and the stars. Their the ones where I feel the most bliss. Because I’m happy that you’re finally in my life and choosing to spend yours with me.” He sighed, “Erg, I’m blabbering on now. I’ll shut up.” 

He bowed his head fully towards the floor and I couldn't help but run the back of my hand across his cheek. My heart fluttered at his words and I could feel myself loving him even more. 

“No.” I whisper, “Never stop speaking the words your heart feels.” 

I slowly reach out to hold his hand and play with his fingers. “Come on,” I speak with a small giggle causing Dan to look up at me, “Let’s go out onto the balcony, and experience another Manchester night.”

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