"I will keep doing that, don't worry" Gahyeon laughed, hopping off of her back and sitting on one of the stools in front of the bar.

"So you want a blood coffee or a normal one?" Handong asked, rubbing her back and bending down behind the bar to search for the right pack.

"Blood coffee, please. I really need an extra boost today" Gahyeon said with a weak smile. Handong nodded and started preparing what Gahyeon asked

"So... what happened, kid? Did you have a fight with Siyeon?" Handong asked knowing that when Gahyeon was this down, her sister was probably involved.

"I did, but I had a fight with her because of Minji" Gahyeon sighed, leaning her head on both of her hands. Handong gulped hearing that name. They agreed to not see each other for a bit but every time she hears or see that name, just like earlier with the text, it hurts.

"What happened with Minji then? And why did Siyeon get involved?" Handong asked, while she tried to ignore the pain in her chest that was caused by Minji's name escaping her lips.

"Well, Siyeon explained that I'm at the vampire age where I will start challenging the leader of my group or something like that. Minji did something to Siyeon and I couldn't help it... I guess I challenged her and... she almost killed me" Gahyeon explained in a shaky voice.

"She almost killed you?" Handong said and she couldn't help but let out a scoff "That woman wouldn't be able to hurt you, not even if the world depended on it" the Chinese girl said, locking eyes with Gahyeon. The younger girl jumped off of the stool and put a hand on the collar of her shirt, pulling it down enough to let Handong see the huge bruise on her chest.

"She did this to me, Handong" she said angrily.Handong widened her eyes in shock and ran from behind the bar to have a closer look.

"Oh my god... What did she do to you? Why?" Handong panicked, carefully touching the bruise. She couldn't believe Minji would just do this without a reason. "Did you get this treated?" she added, asking yet another question.

"Siyeon let me feed on her, so it will heal soon..." Gahyeon said weakly "I- I attacked Minji. She was...she was saying bad things about Siyeon, she was... she was choking her and I- I just couldn't stand down" Gahyeon said and Handong was even more confused.

"Minji was saying bad things about Siyeon and she was choking her? I'm sorry Gahyeon but that is really hard to believe... I know how close those two are" Handong tried to understand.

"I'm not lying, Handong. They both said that the hierarchy is important in a group of vampires and that the leader always has to be in control. So she couldn't let me or Siyeon challenge her. So she gives us punishments. Apparently Siyeon gets the choking and I get the... whatever this is" Gahyeon tried to explain, pointing at the bruise on her chest. "I really tried to understand. I know I can't challenge her and I know I made a mistake...but this... I was begging her to stop, Handong. I was crying for help and she didn't stop. And my sister... she... she just walked away"

"Okay, look. I don't know anything about this whole hierarchy thing but I've been with vampires long enough to know how they act more or less. Minji wouldn't do anything without a reason, the same goes for your sister. Can I ask how Siyeon reacted when Minji, you know..." Handong asked.

"She didn't. She didn't react at all... she just stood there" Gahyeon said trying to wrap her mind about it.

"She wasn't in pain then?" Handong dared to ask.

"N-No... I don't think so" Gahyeon admitted weakly.

"Have you given her the chance to explain? It seems to me that if Siyeon didn't protest that she knows how important this whole hierarchy thing is. It must've been horrible to experience 'this' " Handong said, pointing at the bruise "but I'm sure there is a reasoning behind it. Are you sure Siyeon never went athrough something like that?"

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