Wait. No. She's calling me names.  I shouldn't think she's adorable while she's insulting the greatest heir to Gotham to ever exist.

"You're a mean one! You really are a heel-" She starts singing the song, her face lighting up with a teasing smile. Kent and Hazel catch up to me, and I feel my face start to heat up as she reaches up and pinches my cheeks with a grin.

I swat her hands away and she grins wider. Kent is busy trying not to laugh harder, covering his mouth with his hand, ducking away so I wouldn't see him.

"You're as cuddly as a cactus! You're as charming as an eel!" 

"T-t. Stop that!" 

"Mr. Grinch! You're a bad banana! Mr Grinch! With the greasy black peel!" Hazel belts out the song, and certain passerbys look over at us. I duck my head, pulling my dark green hood over my face, hiding my identity.

 I couldn't be seen with these imbeciles.

"Stop that!" I hiss once more, and Hazel just waggles her eyebrows.

"Whatever you say, Mr Grinch." She bows mockingly.

Kent is behind her, wheezing, holding his stomach as a tear trickles down his face. "Oh my god-" He gasps out between laughs. "I- can't-breathe-"

"Shut up. Both of you." I growl, turning around and stalking away to the bus stop.


Jon is the sweetest kid to have ever been born. I love him already. He's so polite and kind and funny and cute- oh my god, I could gush about him all day.

Domi-Damian is rather peculiar, and quite fun to tease. He's a cocky bastard, I can tell, and striking down his ego from the high horse it's sitting on will be one hell of a fun game.

He is really cute, though- I can see why every other girl likes him. With his incredibly well-sculpted build, his messy, spiky dark hair, pretty emerald eyes and a jawline that could cut through stone,  he's definitely a sight for sore eyes, and perfectly okay eyes alike.

But it's stupid to thirst after a guy everyone likes. It's not like I was anything that'd interest him. 

Sure I was a full course meal, but he wasn't gonna get it anytime soon even if he wanted it.

 I also don't wear makeup. I am vertically challenged. I have ADHD. I talk too much, and I have a knack of pissing off people I don't like.  

Many of the above are BIG deterrents for cute guys. Many want an obedient girl, or someone submissive.

Dear reader, if you haven't guessed already, I'M the DOM.

Wait. That came out wrong. Ignore that.

But it was strange to see Damian looking on after me at the center while I did my thing. Perhaps he's surprised by the way I didn't fall for him the second I saw him. 

It probably hurts his huge-ass ego. 

He'd make a pretty interesting friend- his presence is acceptable and he as a person is quite intriguing.

And he really is a Grinch.

After Jon and Dames dropped me off at the bus stop, I'd taken a ride over to the Habanero Grill,  a Mexican store I skate past on my way to school, and right now, I'm standing near some tables, waiting to pick up my food.

I ordered some tacos and a small box of chicken tamales, and was enjoying the delicious aroma of good Mexican food being cooked up in the kitchen, when all of a sudden the restaurant door slams open, and a black-clad guy races in.

Little Miss Mischief- A Damian Wayne x OC Fanfic- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now