The President's Million Dollar Bride [Ch-5]

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The president whose check was rejected is a little upset. He stuffed his little wife into the front passenger seat and drove him to the company. While on the way, he was thinking of teaching him a lesson today.

Both of them just stepped into the president's exclusive elevator when Arthit was attacked by his husband. He pushed him onto the wall of the elevator and blocked his lips feverishly.

"Ko...Kong!" Arthit tried to push him away but the other man persistently kissed him. Moreover, the man even cunningly rubbed his side and thus, the flesh between his ribs and his waist had become ticklish making his body shiver under his clothes.

"Don't move. There's a camera in here." Rubbing his lips against the soft lips of his lovely little wife, the complacent president issued a warning as if to intimidate him.

Kongpob is taller than Arthit and the former also has a wider frame. Like a Russian matryoshka doll, the husband can totally envelope his little wife inside his arms.

In response, the little wife's body in his embrace began to tremble. With such reaction, the president became even more conceited in his bullying as he said in a husky voice, "Say, in case I do you here and the elevator opened, how will the secretaries react?"

Imagining this scene, Arthit felt excitement and could not help but blush. To hide it, he coughed and then asked, "This is a high-speed elevator. Are you sure that you can take off your pants within three seconds?"

Eclipse refers to Arthit's company. This company mostly started as an online video platform.Afterwards, it gave rise to "Eclipse Live Broadcast" which is second to none in the new media. Although it is known by the public to be a popular and vibrant company, the atmosphere inside Eclipse is actually rigorous and orderly, simply because of their meticulous Virgo boss.

"Yes, the people in our company think so too," Toota smilingly said. His face showing a simple and honest look. "At the annual meeting last year, they gave me a 'Eclipse Warrior award'. Oh, speaking about it, for this year's annual meeting, they had begun to make plans. Will our two company presidents join together to make plans for it?"

The day before yesterday, the Administrative Department began to consult everyone's opinions. Toota hasn't responded yet. When he saw the people at GEARS today, this thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Or... separate." The three secretaries simultaneously shook their heads into rattles not daring to make a comment. They didn't want to be the 'Standing' Committee during the GEAR's annual meeting.

While they were talking, the elevator made a sound of arrival and the people reflexively straightened their legs, ready to bow and greet.

The elevator door opened, showing the president's tall and straight back which is comparable to that of a supermodel.

"Crash... bang!" The heavy and expensive belt buckle along with the Western-style trousers touched the ground momentarily, revealing the honey-colored long legs and black boxers.

In an instant, the world turned quiet.

"Look quickly, there's an airplane!" Toota bellowed and the three secretaries quickly turned their heads to look at the wall without windows. Because they turned their heads too suddenly, a succession of 'kacha' sounds, like a cervical vertebra (neck) being snapped, were heard.

Mr. Dior casually kept with his movements and allowed the elevator door to close slowly.

Fact showed that elevator play is not a great idea. After all, the high-quality Western-style trousers of the president that fell down was not extremely good to look at.

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