Chapter 11: AbbieJean

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And this is where it gets good. 😈😈  Also I'm so bad at choosing names so this chapter is lowkey inspired by Archer (if you haven't watched then you should, it's hilarious)

"Wait! So what happened?" Cordelia asked, pouring Marvin another vodka Martini, using the frozen glasses she only used for serious occasions.

"Turns our my boyfriend was married, they drifted apart or something, and a couple days ago she died in a car crash!" He took a sip of his drink and put down the glass, "more vodka please, anyway he gets a call after we have this really nice day and finds out she's dead! He drops the phone, I pick it up and the operator tells me that's he needs to pick up his child!"

"Holy shit!" Cordelia exclaimed ,sitting opposite him with her own dry martini, "and?"

"So I have to tell Whizzer he needs to pick up his child, he stares at me, and with a hoarse voice and bloodless face whispered, "i have a child?"

"Oh my god." Cordelia whispered, "keep going."

"So he took his car and he with his daughter now!" He downed the rest of the drink, "will you hand me the vodka?"

Cordelia handed Marvin the bottle and he started to pour it straight into the glass, giving up and drinking it from the bottle.

"Jesus. That must be so difficult for the kid."

Marvin spluttered slightly, "I just- how am I meant to talk to Whizzer about this? How am I meant to comfort him?" He threw his head into his hands, and let out an over reacting groan. "What do I do?" His words were beginning to slur and all his movements were exaggerated.

"Maybe slow down on the day drinking for starters Marvin." She pried the bottle out of his grip and put it in the cupboards behind her, "what's worrying you most?"

Marvin scrunched his forehead, "he has a kid!"

"You have a kid!-" Cordelia interjected, almost rolling her eyes.

Marvin began to mutter things under his breath, slowly spiralling until he was hyperventilating. Cordelia calmly pulled her arm back and slapped him hard on the cheek, the slap leaving a hard red, stinging mark.

"Oh my god! What was that for?" Marvin yelled, clutching his face.

"When Charlotte spirals she asks me to slap her, also I needed to snap you the fuck out of this!" Cordelia exclaimed "your boyfriend- who you were about to tell you loved for the first time, which is ridiculous by the way considering you've been together for what? Ten months, nine months? Has had his ex wife die and found out he has a daughter in the same day. So you need to shut the fuck up and a stand by his side!"

Marvin nodded aggressively, "yeah! Yeah!" He stared into Cordelia's eyes, she smiled comfortably and suddenly Marvin's lip quivered and he began to cry, blocking his tear ducts with his thumb and pointer finger.

"Okay, whats going on now?" Cordelia said as she moved to sit next to him.

"I... I just realised that I know nothing about him. I love him so much but I don't know who he is." His face scrunched up into one that looked like a cute puppy, "I mean, I've never met any of his friends, his family or anyone! He never even mentioned a wife."

Cordelia took his face in her hands and wiped his tears away, "just talk to him honey, if you open up- he will as well."


He knocked on the door, hearing footsteps inside as the clock of the lock turned and the door opened.

"Marvin, what are you doing here?" Whizzer whispered, his eyes were red and he looked as though he had not slept in days, "how do you know where I live?"

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