Opening your heart

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After A great day I was so looking forward to going home tell my family that I finally found a place that I feel normal . As I walked through the front door and went straight towards the living room

"I'm home I had such a great day I met friends who are supernatural they do not look at me like a weird I love the Salvatore school I'm so glad we moved here and can't even wait for tomorrow it's going to be so much fun we're talking about history of supernatural it started I am so so excited" I said

"I'm home I had such a great day I met friends who are supernatural they do not look at me like a weird I love the Salvatore school I'm so glad we moved here and can't even wait for tomorrow it's going to be so much fun we're talking about history...

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uncle kol looked at me "did you have a good day "he said sarcastically

That's when Divina him of the head "will you let her be happy  it's difficult to fit in when you feel different from the rest of the world and especially as a young girl trying to find her place in this world leave her alone "

"Thank you Divina yes I had a very good day I made friends people are incredible the teachers are amazing this is the place that I wanna be"

That's when uncle Elijah and my mother walked into the room "we are very happy that you had a good day tell us more about your friends "my mum asked

"Well I made friends in most of my classes they didn't look at me like I was weird but I think the main friends I met were Mrs Salvatore children they're really kind and very honest about certain things I really like meeting them "

I don't know why but as soon as I mentioned Mrs Salvador my fathers interest seem to peak" you made friends with her children how did that happen "my dad asked it was very strange the way he asked

I looked at him "Well how it happened as I spoke to them they spoke to me and I think we made friends that's how it happened "

He didn't look very happy with my answer "thank you sweetheart for the sarcasm I mean in a more how did you meet them and were they nice to you kind of way  "

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He didn't look very happy with my answer "thank you sweetheart for the sarcasm I mean in a more how did you meet them and were they nice to you kind of way  "

I laughed at him "yeah they're really nice especially about their supernatural abilities if that's what you wanna call it they've been through a lot of confidence issues is exactly what I've been through its not nice when you feel like a weirdo or a freakshow depending on who you're talking to but yeah they are definitely confident about who they are especially Zach and I don't know maybe angel and Lillian are just as confident they just show in different ways "I smiled

That's when Aunt Rebekah came out of nowhere "Zach I thought his name was Zachary, you are already a nickname basis I'm just met. I'm so proud of you"

I looked at her and in shock "Rebekah he's my friend we've just met and yes his name is Zachary but he said I can Call him Zach I think he said I could call him Zach what why are you making a big thing out of this" I look at her get annoyed

My dad looked at her as well "yes Rebekah why are you making such a big thing out of this and why are you friends with a boy thought we had this talk when you were little boys are bad news you stay away from them because I'll never be good enough for you that we had that talk "

"klaus our daughter is allowed to have friends with whoever she wants boy or girl I don't care as long as she's happy and look at that smile on her face please don't make a big thing out of this "my mum said

"I am making a very big thing out of this because you are finally opening your heart it's a good thing making friends testing the waters soon you could actually be a normal teenager with boyfriends and girlfriends and you go partying and actually have a life that you deserve without worrying about the supernatural part of your life "

I guess she was right and where she is jumping very far ahead but I guess it's never too early to get excited about the future "okay maybe you're right I need to living in the moment and enjoy things I'm just not used to that so please just give me time"

"As long as you are happy hope that's all we want and the smile on your face is reason first enough that this was a very good decision to come here we are happy that you made friends I'm really excited to see where are you going the future "uncle ...

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"As long as you are happy hope that's all we want and the smile on your face is reason first enough that this was a very good decision to come here we are happy that you made friends I'm really excited to see where are you going the future "uncle Elijah said

"He's right you are a Mikaelson first born witch your powers are strong and the school can help you control them you will be incredible but you also need to learn with other people that's the best thing about the school it is full of supernatural kids who are learning just like you are you don't have to put the world on your shoulders anymore "aunt freya said

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