Feeling different

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Getting to spend the day with my parents has been great but I've been having these feelings lately that I'm not sure about I start feeling giddy and happier when I'm around Zach and I know that this could be a start of a great friendship or relationship

but after what his sister said about not breaking his heart it's definitely left me with some unanswered questions and there is something I'm going to have to think about and have that conversation with him but right now I just wanna enjoy the time with my parents

As I'm stood in the middle of my parents I felt the tension I'll turn to look at both of them "what's going on "

My father looked at me "we just wanted to ask you that after everything that has happened would you prefer to go back to New Orleans "

I look shock to him "no I don't I like being here and I like being at school as people are just like me why are you trying to take me away from the place that I feel more normal "

My mother looked at me "we just don't want anyone to treat you differently because of us "

I looked at her "you mean Emily treating me differently because of you too well I hate to break it to you she doesn't give a damn she has her own life so why are you to trying to make problems "

I looked at her "you mean Emily treating me differently because of you too well I hate to break it to you she doesn't give a damn she has her own life so why are you to trying to make problems "

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"That's not what we're doing, we just want you to be safe "my dad said

I shook my head "no you're not you think that Emily still holding a grudge but she's not, she's married she has her own kids and her own family to be concerned about she is my headteacher and she has been the nicest person to me since I came to the school so no we are not going back to New Orleans, end of discussion"

"We just don't want her to treat you differently that's all "my mother said

"Treat me differently that's ridiculous and you know it she would never do that, and if we're being honest she has to treat me somewhere differently because I'm a tribrid, so of course she has to mix and decisions that might be different for other students or supernatural mother it's not her being vindictive it's her doing her job " I said trying to contain my anger

If I could escalate any further my father jumped in "as long as you are happy that's all that we care about isn't that right Hayley" he said looking at my mother with a look that said that's enough

And before anyone could say anything we had laughing coming from behind us and when we turned to see Zach and a blonde girl who I know has Ophelia "who was that girl "my dad asked

And before anyone could say anything we had laughing coming from behind us and when we turned to see Zach and a blonde girl who I know has Ophelia "who was that girl "my dad asked

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My mother pulled a face "Probably his girlfriend I knew that the school was a bad idea he is stringing our daughter along "she said looking at me and my father

I shook my head at her "That is Ophelia his sister not his girlfriend mother and we are just friends, why do you have to make such a big thing out of little things " I said walking away

My parents quickly followed me" Hope please" I heard from both of them

"Zach hey" I said to him as he turned to me

"Hope I heard you having a day out of school I hope you're having a good day "he said to me

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"Hope I heard you having a day out of school I hope you're having a good day "he said to me

"Yeah it's been good so far and I just wanted to see if we were able to talk later on if you're not too busy "I asked him knowing foul my parents were behind me

"Yeah sure I should be back later on at the school and I have a workout with my dad but straight after I come and talk to you "he said to me

I smiled at him "That's great, ophelia it's nice to see you again "I said to her try not to make it too awkward

She smiles at me "it's lovely to see you again hope "

Zach turn to his sister "you've met before"

"Yeah we met at the School the other day we had a little chat " ophelia said before tanning talk at her sisters who looked even more awkward than I did

Zach looked a bit confuse but didn't bring it up "it's nice to see you again Miss Marshall and you too Mr Mikaelson"

"Yes it's lovely to see you to Zachary" my dad said to him

I can tell that my mother was thinking something that I didn't want to know but before she could say anything angel spoke up

"hi hope I was just wondering did you get your invitation to the twins's 16th birthday party "

"No not yet and I haven't been at school today so that might be why "I said looking at Angel and Lily

My mother sniggered under her breath "because they didn't invite you "

I could tell that they all heard, that's why Lily replied with "Well you're definitely invited because I wrote your invitation out myself "Lily said looking at me

Zach could feel the tension as well as I could "well even if you don't go on invitation you're welcome to come with me as my date "he said and I could feel my fathers eyes on my back as well as seen the shock on his sisters faces

I smiled and nodded my head "I would love to be your date "

"Well it's settled then I will see you later at school we've got to get going "he said looking at me before turning to his sisters who started to walk away

"Yeah of course I'll see you later bye girls "I said to Zach and his sisters

All four of them replied" bye"

I had the biggest smile on my face when I turned my head I caught my parents talking at me dead in the eyes and I just didn't say anything I just walked away from them because nobody is going to take the smile off my face no one

Mrs Salvatore (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora