Before the party

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I feel so glad to be finally back, been away for so long in different countries travelling is been amazing but it's finally good to be home because now I finally get to get my Zachary back

I know everyone is going to have some hard feelings towards me but I really don't care Amanda mystic nobody is perfect and I know his sisters are going to have knives already in place to stick right in my back but I'm willing to take it as long as I get the boy that I love back nobody is going to get in my way

Is there walked towards Zacks dorm room which he normally uses as A study I don't normally knock on the door so why would I now as I walked in ready to see his beautiful face I saw some strange girl standing there

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my boyfriends room " I ask her

This girl turn to look at me "I think you have the wrong room, Zachary is my boyfriend and I don't think I've seen you around here before I'm one of the new students I'm hope I don't think you're supposed to be on here "she said to me

I don't think I've ever found the air sucked out of my lungs so quick "what do you mean girlfriend "

She looked at me in confusion "it's where a girl and a boy are in a relationship "she said sarcastically at me

I shook my head at her "there is no way that Zach could go out with another girl"

"Well I'm sorry to say that he ends move on darling for a few week now and I don't know what to tell you you must've been away for a long time because that's the situation that Ryan he's my boyfriend and I really don't want you in his dorm room so I think you should leave " she said

"Well I'm sorry to say that he ends move on darling for a few week now and I don't know what to tell you you must've been away for a long time because that's the situation that Ryan he's my boyfriend and I really don't want you in his dorm room so...

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I looked at her with anger "well don't get too comfy because I'm back now and he and I have a lot more history than you to do" I said to her trying to make a feel on easy

She just laughed at me "I don't care about the history that you and Zach have that's your business but if you are who I think you are you're a horrible human being to do what you did to two innocent people. you slept with your boyfriends sisters boyfriend that is low, I think it's time that you leave. By the way you need to get it through your thick head that Zach is my boyfriend and that isn't going to change because you think because your back that you can warm you into my relationship " she tried to say with confidence

I smirked at her "do you know what I did so does everyone in the school congratulations, I made mistakes but I'll get it back, don't get too comfy in his arms because when I'm done he won't be back where he belongs with me "

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