Man on man

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We've been in town for a few months on something it's just completely off with Elijah and I can't put my finger on it I thought it was the pressure of coming back to this town and Emily not forgiving him and Rebekah but I don't know something is just not right

As I was sat drying in my pad I kept slowly glancing up at him and I could see that he was in deep thought which concerned me because ever since the other day he's changed

And I can tell I'm not the only one that has noticed it "what is going on with you "Rebekah asked him

He looked up at her before turning back to look at the same spot here just been staring at "nothing everything is fine "

Rebekah shook her head as did I " you really expect us to believe that brother you've been distant the last few days what is going on"I asked him

Elijah moved towards the bar to make a drink "as I have just said brother there is nothing going on "

"This is about Emily not forgiving us, we just have to give her time everything is going to be okay " Rebekah said

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"This is about Emily not forgiving us, we just have to give her time everything is going to be okay " Rebekah said

"I was sister is right Emily will forgive us we just have to have her time and then maybe we can be a family again "I said to both of them

I could see Rebekah getting irritated about what I just said but before she could speak Elijah cut her off"She will never be mine again" he said before he could even think about what he had just said to me

I was slightly confused and Rebekah look shell shocked "what do you mean she will never be yours again, she was never yours "I said to him

He just looked at me with anger deep in his eyes before he could speak Rebekah jumped in the middle of us "I think that's enough from both of you "

I shook my head at my sister "no I'd like to know what he meant by mine because she was my girlfriend and she was supposed to be my wife so why does he suddenly feel the nerve to say that she will never be his again " he kept ignoring me which made me even more angry

Rebekah looked at Elijah "please don't do this "she said to him which made me even more sure that something was going on that I didn't know about

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on and what are you two talking about here "I demanded to know

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on and what are you two talking about here "I demanded to know

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