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Hi everyone I just wanna say thank you so much for reading this story it is become and passion project I know it's taken me some time but I've been very busy with my own personal issues but I just wanna ask some questions from my readers about where the story is going to go

And I just wanna make it very clear that this is my story and I am going to write it the way I want to and I understand that some people might not agree with what I'm writing but this is the way that I envisioned this story going but I would love everyone's opinion and I will take it into consideration and see how I can give everyone the story that they want but also I will be keeping it to the kind of story that I want to tell

So far some sneak little peaks into a few more of the next chapters of my story

My original idea was to make Ophelia klaus and Emily's daughter and I have a very good idea how to explain that which I will not be talking about because I really am looking forward to telling the story

I also came up with an idea that I think would work very well to cause some friction and drama between the Mikaelson Brothers so that is why the idea is Elisha having some feelings towards Emily for a certain amount of time

My other sneak peeks is bringing back Zacks all girlfriend who broke his heart but also Ophelia's old boyfriend and her best friend who was also having romantic feelings for her so there is going to be a bit of a love triangle is but they're not going to be as hard as the original vampire diaries love triangle

And you're gonna see a lot more of the original TVD family and get to see their children so there's going to be a lot more of Jenna and Grayson and you're going to see the relationships between the Saltzman Twins and the rest of their family which I'm very looking forward to

So those are the things that are very set in stone I don't think I'm going to be changing those sports that might happen depending on where I take my writing I try not to put so much pressure on myself but I would love all your opinions but I have to be very honest that what I want is what's going to be written because I've had a few people have their opinions which is the right but at the end of the day I am the one that's writing this story

Again I just wanna say thank you and I hope that I get some really good ideas that I can add into the story or if they don't fit what I'm trying to do that they might work in another story that I have

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