Secrets always hurt

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I was sat at home waiting for my parents to get back from the school I could feel the tension in my brother I could see it playing is down his face

"Zachary what is going on "I said looking at him which court Angel attention

He looked down in his book before looking at both of us "it's hope she told me today that she was going to head to the library to look up on some family history I just feel sorry for her she's going to find out some of the most painful things abou...

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He looked down in his book before looking at both of us "it's hope she told me today that she was going to head to the library to look up on some family history I just feel sorry for her she's going to find out some of the most painful things about her existence "

Angel looked at him "it's nice to see you're heart is working again I thought that to face bitch and broke it completely "

I looked at angel before turning back to my brother "what I think Angela is trying to say is that this issue is not your problem I know that you care for her but this It's something that she was going to find out about eventually and that's not your fault it's her family's for not telling her "

"I know that you're right but I just imagine finding out that the only reason you exist is because your father cheated on his fiance and got stuck with a child that he didn't plan for imagining that going through your head "he sent us

"But she does exist and if he hadn't of cheated we wouldn't exist life happens for a reason things don't always go as we planned but in the end things worked out "angel said

"Have you ever read about her childhood it was a painful one can't even imagine watching one through "he said looking down at his book

Angel looks at me" what are you talking about "Angela asked

"When she was born she was ripped from her mothers arms the witches were ready to be sacrificed to the ancestors  but they saved her. In the end she was sent away to live with her  aunt and everyone thought that she had died, when they finally brought her home they found out that one of her descendants was coming for her because she wanted her magic. The battle ended with her mother being a wolf for six months of her life but when she did come back she was ripped from her father she's never had a stable Homelife except for time when she was living in hiding way her family were asleep in Coffens that's a messed up her life has been "

I knew that he cares about her but this isn't his problem "that isn't her fault that's her family's problem they the reason that her life has been so hectic they made those decisions and now they have to live with them she was going to find out eventually about the fact that she conceived because of a one night stand "I said to him

"Zach I understand that you care for her and I'm so happy that you're feeling again but this isn't your problem and the truth is if I was her I'd wanna know everything because that how you become stronger "

"Angel right it will be better for her and find out now then have someone say to her in an argument or a sly comment it's always going to hurt her I think I'll be better for her to know now than later"

"Maybe you're right maybe she does need to know the truth I just don't know how she's going to handle it "he said getting up and walking out of the room

"Do you think he's going to be okay " Angela asked

"You know Zach he doesn't like secrets "I said to her

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"You know Zach he doesn't like secrets "I said to her

We looked at each other "secret always hurt " we both said together

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