Hot Water Bottles

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Okay before we start:
no I am not talking about the warm Fiji water that's been stuck in your car for 2 months.
I'm talking about that rubber one that you fill up with hot water and place it on your body for pain or soreness (pic on the top)

These things are like rubber pieces of heaven, no joke. Every girl needs to own one. When dealing with cramps, these are almost always the solution. the heat just melts the pain away and you feel nice and toasty (especially in winter).

and you can tuck them under your shirt and feel like a ninja ;)

if you don't use them everyday, or fairly often, it's pretty obvious that you're on your period. cos then people will know that whenever you use a hot water bottle that you're on your period.
or not. I don't know

and if it's summer then you get really hot :/ which can be uncomfortable

and if you aren't careful, it can burn your skin. If you take boiling water and place it directly on your skin, girl you better have the hospital on speed dial. IT IS HOT. put the water bottle over some layers, a shirt, sweatshirt, and/or blanket. once it gets cooler, take away some layers.

But still, this is an amazing invention. Like whoever made it, deserves all the pizza in the world.

so that's all I have for this chapter, did I miss anything? comment on the chapter! I love reading responses and it really motivates me to write more :)

every vote for this chapter is a vote for the inventor of hot water bottles

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