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Okay, all my ladies go back to elementary school when you first watched those videos about puberty. Remember those? Good.

One of the first things they say will happen during your period is your mood will swing.

And that is completely accurate.

One time, my dad told me he was bringing home lunch, but he ended up being in a rush to come home and didn't get lunch.

I was so freaking pissed. Like, I stormed up to my room and nearly slammed the door off pissed.

Or sometimes, and these are the best, you just get a surge of happiness and you just smile for what seems like hours. Anything that happens doesn't matter because I'M HAPPY! CLAP ALONG IF YOU--no okay no.

And then you have those moments when you're feeling really sad and upset and feel like locking yourself in a closet and crying. But when you ask yourself why you're crying, YOU HAVE NO ANSWER.

I always feel really bad when I snap at someone for no reason, because it's not like I can take a sharpie and make a sign that says "Hey don't be offended if I yell at you, my feels are all over the place."

Something that helps me is staying in my room as long as possible to avoid human interaction. Because if I say something stupid, I can't take it back.

Alright so what are the period signs from this chapter?

-Obvious mood swings (going from happy to annoyed in 5 minutes)

-randomly snapping at someone

-staying in one room all day

Remember, even if someone shows one of these signs (wow I sound like a freaking doctor) doesn't mean they're on their period. Mood swings happen everyday, sometimes having a bad day can make you snap at someone, and some people just like the comfort of their bed.


So anyway, I think that's all I have to say on that.

Did I miss anything? Comment your thoughts!

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