Dropping of Hats

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Ever heard the expression "crying at the drop of a hat"?

My 5th grade science teacher used this all the time <<Shoutout to Mrs. C>>

But my point for today is making a big deal out of nothing.

Now, as girls we are required to have extreme opinions on topics we feel strongly about. But on our periods, we feel strongly about EVERYTHING.

Oh no, the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl? Let me just use up 49483839 tissues crying. Oh wait I don't watch football.

You didn't bring ketchup with the fries? That's okay, let me just run to my room and ignore you for the rest of the day until my hormones are in a better mood.

Ketchup is important yo.

but really it's like hormones are having their monthly frat party and everything is upside down.

All of a sudden that character that you despise gets his feelings hurt and you're crying out the Pacific Ocean.

And honestly it's so annoying. No I do not want tears in my eyes when you won't give me part of your cookie at lunch. But my hormones do.

And you can't exactly explain. I mean, you could tell your close friends, and anyone else you trust of course.

But what about that guy who accidentally trips you in the hallway and apologized? Can't really tell him you're crying because you're on your period can ya?

Or your math teacher when you get a problem wrong and immediately begin snapping at everyone for the rest of the period.
haha get it period and like math period I'm so funny

hopefully after a week or so everyone has forgotten about it. If not, and if someone truly got upset, just remember an apology can go a long way. Just tell 'em you were having a bad day

or on the other hand, if one of your friends seems a bit jumpy or snappy, do NOT assume she's on her period, (literally the golden rule, #1 worst thing you could say but more on that later ;) ) but do allow her to have a moment. Comfort her and give her a hug. Tell her it's okay. Make her smile.

Because one person can be the difference between a bad day, and a wonderful one, whether you're on your period or not :)

period signs:
•crying at dropped hats
•you know what I mean by now

That's all I have for today guys! Thank you so much for reading! Did I forget anything? Have you ever overreacted to something on your period? Let me know in the comments! Thank you all for your beautiful comments nudging me to write more xD
A/N--Woah there got kinda deep at the end sorry

Troye Sivan just gets to me y'all #trxye #thefaultinourstarsmmxiv #gotmelike

but I do hope you take that to heart and be the good difference in someone's day :) see you soon! xxxx

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