Can't wait to be at home!

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The library was a long walk but it was worth it. When they got to the library they looked for a comfortable spot to sit down. They didn't need to pick up books from the shelve, the truth is that the library is the best place to discuss, well by writing your words on paper! Or if you really need to talk you have to do so in hushed tones. Well, that was the perfect place to discuss about their chemistry project but Leo thinks it impossible, he feels school is just too hard.

"Oh jeez, I just wanna quit on school!" said Leo in a hush tone.

"We can't! I came up with some ideas so let's work on them."
The two friends start talking and sharing ideas quietly when Rose walks up to them. Rose is the richest and most popular kid in school but she was also beautiful. She was tall and graceful, she had deep blue eyes, and really pale skin. When Leo and Arthur noticed her approaching they looked at each other.

"Hi guys, what's up?" said Rose excitedly.

"We're cool, so what brings you here?" the boys replied in unison.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you like to go on a road trip this summer. I'm organizing it. It's just a little get together."

"Cool, I'm sure we would love to come." replied Leo hastily.

"Where exactly are we going to?" Arthur cut in hurriedly.

"It will be a road trip, so we will mostly be camping and exploring." Rose said excitedly.

"Cool, I'll have to think about it. So we will get back to you later." said Arthur.

"Yeah sure, but I hope you people will agree. I'd love to have you inclusive in the trip."

"Yeah sure, why not! " said Leo. He was the most excited. He loves trips like that. He is always the most exited when it comes to trips like this. He feels if he learns all through his life without a break, his body will break down.

Rose walked away, she had passed her information. It was up to the boys to accept it.

The boys continued talking about there Chemistry project. Arthur couldn't wait for the clock to move, so the bell will go. He had divided attention, his mind was in school and at home. He couldn't wait to be back home.

Leo on the other hand, was crying inside of him. Deep down he just wanted to go on a vacation, far away from school life. Something to keep his mind at bay, without thinking of all the AP classes he is taking.
'Why did I have to take this much AP  class' Leo thought.

They were able to come up with cool ideas before the bell rang. They both had German class together. One thing Leo liked was German. That was one of the few classes that pumped him up, anytime he had it.

Arthur was not particularly interested in foreign Languages. He feels that any where he finds himself, any part of the world, Google translate will help him out. He doesn't need to fill a space in his brain with dang foreign languages, that space is meant for his silly AP classes.

The German class is finally over, the exam wasn't that hard. That wasn't Arthur's priority, he just wanted to hop on the bus and zoom home.  Leo doesn't follow him home on Monday, he has club meetings. The two friends said their goodbyes to each other. Then they parted their ways.

As soon as Arthur stepped outside the school to wait for the bus, he saw his Aunt's car packed outside. He didn't expect to see her there. He slowly moves towards the car, when his Aunt hopped out of the car.

"Hey, Aurthy I think you need a ride home."

"You think, I definitely need a ride home."

"Hop in, dinner is on me tonight. We gonna go out for dinner, Are you cool with that."

"Hell, Yeah! You are the best Aunt ever!"

"I know, but we have to go home, so you can freshen up. On our way we will discuss about some rules and regulations you need to follow, while I'm in your house."

"Cool, I can't wait to be home."

They both hop in the car and start the journey. It was a cherry atmosphere. They both giggled and laughed on their way home. Aunt Mattie was cool and easy to go with. Arthur didn't even feel his parents absence anymore.

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