Dungeon Raid [APOV]

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      It was so nice talking to Alice in her calm state, at least I don't have to watch my head. We quickly became friends. We sat by the fire side while taking to each other.
   "Alice, earlier you said your sister was a scum bag. What did she do to make you hate her?"
   "I can't--well forget about what I said. I don't want to talk about it. Just have it at the back of your little mind that we don't get along."
   "That's really strange. You are twinies! Common, she must have done something really awful for you to hate her. You can tell me--"
      As soon as she said that, her murderous look came back and her eyes were glowing bright green. Her axes were also hovering around me. To me it seems like Alice has serious split personality shenanigans or anger issues. I can't explain her behaviour. Her glowy eyes started dimming and her axes returned back to her. She started with her crying apology again.
   "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I'm a monster!"
      Foolish me accepted the apology again. I'm sure if Lexi were still with me, she would have roasted me badly.
   "Don't worry. I didn't mean to provoke you. If you don't wanna talk about it, I won't stress any further." I muttered
   "Okay" she said while sobbing.
      She sat on the floor close to the fireplace and bent her head into her leg crying out fountain of tears. I didn't know what to do with such an unstable specimen. Alice is so radioactive. I just sat there still, close to the fireplace. We didn't say a word to each other, till Alice finally broke the silence.
   "I'm really sorry. I'm a--monster."
   "Don't say that. You are good just the way you are." I didn't know what I was thinking, to say that. Alice can cause me my UNTIMELY DEATH! Here I am peacefully talking to her.
   "My name is Alice as I said earlier. I'm a twin. My mother was a powerful witch and my dad was a regular man. He was an adventurer. My mom and dad were in love with each other so much and they wanted to get married badly. It was forbidden that a witch should marry a common man. My parents love was forbidden, but they got married anyway. Two years after their marriage my mom got pregnant (Alicia and I) but her pregnancy was cursed since their love was forbidden. My mom finally gave birth to Alicia and I. We were cursed, so my mom died during child birth. Seven days after my moms death, my dad hung himself. So we grew up under the care of my loving aunt Alexie. The curse was inscribed on my soul. I have this instinct to murder people. I didn't know till I was five. I murdered my best friend... I stabbed her repeatedly with my cutlery knife. I don't know what came over me. Alicia wasn't cursed, she was the one to keep my curse at bay, that is if we work in harmony. But Alicia ain't helping matters. She always trash talks me and fight with me always. She is always jealous of me because people give me more attention. I was always left with no friends after my first murder. On my tenth birthday, I found out I was a night witch and my sister was just a regular witch. That fueled her jealousy because I was born to be a powerful witch like my mother, even with the curse. Alicia doesn't know I need her to become a non destructive night witch. She distanced herself from me even more. I later discovered that I function better with my powers at night than in the day. So I complete quest to become stronger. My aunt tried to mend my sister and I together but to no avail. When I was old enough to go hunting, I did it alone. Later I found two special people who loved me for who I was. We became friends and raided dungeons together. --speaking of dungeon raiding, you can come with us tonight. It's not too late."
      Inasmuch as I was moved by her story. I wasn't so jumpy to trusting her. Common that girl could kill me on our way to the dungeon raid. I finally spoke:

"That's a lot you have been through. I'm so sorry. Alicia is really a bitch."
   "Yeah! I told you about myself...I wanna know you too."
   "Okay! I don't have any fancy back story. My name is D-stress, a pretty weird name. I'm a silver slasher--"
   "Oh my cannibal goblin! You gotta be killing me! Silver slashers are really rare. What about your parents?"
   That was the question I was trying to avoid. I hadn't figured out things in this world yet. I can't just tell her I'm stuck here. THIS IS  GAME ALICE! so I thought carefully and finally came up with a lie.
   "I'm an orphan. I don't know anything about my parents. I grew up on the streets." I tried to make it sound touching, so I started crying.
   "I'm a warrior and a mage. I'm a grade E mage and my swordsmanship is LAGGING BEHIND!!"
   "jeez! You are pretty a low level--everything. But don't worry--I know a mage-wiz named 2mas it is actually pronounced Thomas. I also think my friends will enjoy going dungeon raiding with you."
      I have to admit it, Lexi was right. I'm a low level--everything. I thought of Alice offer and I accepted it. At least I can improve my mage and swordsmanship skills. Believe me, I have the worst imagination about Alice's friends, they must be scary.
      Badging into discussion was Alicia, the scum hag bag.
   "I see you have met our Lil' visitor. I just hope you don't go about stabbing him in his sleep." Alicia said while giggling.
   "I've got no time for your little taunting"said Alice, then she turned to me. "Common let's go, we will be late."
   "You ain't taking him no where! At least let me get to know him before you kill him."
      Kill me?! This girls have to be crazy, I thought. They were dragging me like a piece of ham.
   "I'm not going to kill him, Alicia. Leave my friend alone."
   "hahaha! When was the last time you pronounced the word F-R-I-E-N-D?  On the 4th of neveruary!"
   "You-you-freaking bitch!!!"
      I noticed the argument wasn't heading anywhere. I knew the person who was going to get hurt was...me. So I tried to stop the argument before anything got worse.
   "Hey ladies, don't fight."  I turned to Alicia and said "You should be ashamed of yourself. You got no shame for treating your sister ill." Then I turned to Alice and said "Take it easy. Don't do anything you'll regret!"
      Alicia reacted "I see Alice, you've got this one wrapped around your finger! Have you told him you are a murderer and a monster!!!"
   "Do-not-call-me-a-monster." said furious Alice.
      Her eyes started glowing again and her axes were hovering in the air. I knew things were about to get ugly. Thanks to aunt Alexie's presence, the chaos was nullified.
   "Alice, Alicia! What is wrong with you people! Can't you twins live in peace and harmony? I won't be surprised if one day one of your heads roll."
   "Sheesh Aunt! It was Alice who started it!"
   "Shut up Alicia! Twins are supposed to be powerful as witches but you two are like peanut butter and tuna. Great individually, terrible when combined."
   "Enough with your old talk aunt! I'm not appreciated in this house! Alice has always been the good one and I'm always projected as the villain."
   "Alicia! Apologize to your sister!"
   "Never! Over my dead body!" Then Alicia stormed off to her room.
Alice screamed behind her "Maybe one of these days I will kill you and become the murderer you always project me as!" Then looked at me- "Common let's go D-stress, we will be late."

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